Sunday, October 24, 2021


I am supposed to weave a repose in words
String phrases spelled in the vocab of emotion
 Pick them sentences like cherries from an orchid
Toss them in a salad of expression.

I am supposed to thrive in articulation 
Scream out loud through this keyboard  
Punching letters and forging meaning
Relating myself within and beyond

I am supposed to have a way with eloquence 
Feelings should don the colors of the literal
Extracting the abstract, diffusing the quiet
Bare it all kinda way, stripping my soul on display 

Then I feel this urge to be still
Letting those ripples of verbal waves
Subside into the abyss of the ocean 
Dwelling in silence, muting the noise.

I am supposed to speak 
But somehow on this path of a worldly scramble
They sound like bickering 
And thus, I shut up, and thus I sum up
This sojourn in lines
While the echoing insides urge me
To just be..without the blabber


Monday, September 06, 2021


These structures 

Like the abstract 

Lugging me along into a void

Trust me it isn’t as dark as it sounds 

Nor is it empty and dull

What if I said it is Full

To the brim?

There was a time when chronic intellect 

Was the aim of the day..

Now al I seem to care is to care not!

These structures, the constructs, the constraints 

Looking like connections

But being decoys

Somehow, now - they stand decoded!

And I was supposed to scribble in silence

Dabble in space…

But here I go…


Ceasing to fast forward or reverse! 

Friday, July 23, 2021




I wish I wasn’t this inclined to write

Or express elaborately in wordage!


I wish I didn’t need screens and keyboards 

They seem more like barricades than bridges 


I wish I just thought about you

And you knew..

And wish we had a silent conversation 

Abstract, nothing close to being real

But more like Magic

More like Being!

Sometimes I wish I said nothing 

But you get me like I hid nothing!

And we merged in the vacuum

Shunning all conventions

Leaving communication to muggles.

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels

Monday, July 19, 2021


Once I dreamt of petting 
An albino alligator- or may be two.
I hoped to foster them, or may be adopt!
“They are obnoxious”
“A Faux paus”-
I was offered opinions!
Opinions are like Onions
Said no one. I thought this up on the fly..
They smell, they are pungent and they make us cry.
So any which way- I listen and let be..I don’t cut them open
To have to dab my eyes..
So the alligators in question made a beeline to my door
And then to my feet..casing them, paired with a linen A-line 
Summery, breezy dress.
Then I strode, on the sidewalk like it were a Chanel ramp..
A few questioning gazes grazed my paws, cased by the albino alligators.
It would have been a sight, a sighting.
A woman and a half sporting them could be funny, could be exciting.
By the way, when the opinions are our own and we keep them to ourselves 
They bloom like roses, adorn our beings like jewels..
Much like these albino alligators-
Squishy like the freshly licked sand on the beach..
Crisp white like the clouds grazing on the sky
Oh and these beasts boast a gentle tread
No animals were harmed or shred!
Life is too short, to be even little 
Bring them on, the albino alligators.
They’ll walk with you like trusted BFFs.


Thursday, July 15, 2021



There’s a world between you and me
Stair cases, errands, rat races, daily grinds
A word between you and me
It could have been ‘Us’ - But it lingers in the confined independence of you and me
Like a lion in a sanctuary?
There’s a tether between you and me could have been a bond
It could have been beyond…
But it hovers around the promise, like it defines it premise.
There’s a sentence between you and me..
Not a quote, nor a charm - not even a worded punctuated form.
Life sentence perhaps? Like a term that needs to be served.
I try to rise beyond this in between..
But you my mind - cannot be minded. 
So I gauge the depth between you and me..
The one that nothing can fill.
Or ‘No Thing’ can fill.
It’s silly how there’s nothing between you and me
So should’d we merge into one?
Ah there’s a myth between you and me..
A real one - this myth. That’s the irony!

 Photo by Wendelin Jacober from Pexels

Tuesday, July 13, 2021


 Another day melts into the dusk
On an unknown countdown
I look through the curtains of my cozy bedroom 
Through the layers of the goose down comforter 
That I am Tucked under
The room lights up in tender warmth from the lamp on the night stand
The body slipping into the lap of comfort 
But there’s this soul that fidgets
Unable to settle in this scenario 
It peeks into the dark
A dark that only souls can penetrate wearing the correcting lenses of intuition.
The life yearns and how -
Beyond the warmth of this worldly setting,
Beyond 1000 count sheets and satin pajamas
It craves, this silly soul , to venture into the openness 
Over the earth, under the sky
Wrapped in the unevenness of the grass pricking my back
The chill of the summer breeze grazing my body
Numberless stars gently spreading their glimmer
That catches the moisture of skin
Making it shimmer like silk.
It craves perhaps for something that transcends the shallows of the world
Something that speaks to me in fluent caring 
Making me say I am in Love
Like it is a place to be, a pretty peaceful place
Making me swoon in that place- feeling a Bliss that my cozy bedroom eludes.

Friday, July 09, 2021



Do you ever try,

To capture the deeps

The rhythms of the heart, the rhymes of the soul

Armed with the paraphernalia.,.donning the explorer hat.

I have a feeling that this’ll be a treasure hunt.

A camera dangles from the neck, eagerly waiting to arrest that moment

When what you mean seems to present itself a visual

You are a page in this spirit book, wait may be a chapter..

Or perhaps you are the whole entire book case with a sliding ladder..

Tucked into you, my many emotions, in illustrations, 

You seem to expand into the neighborhood, the hometown 

The country, the continent…

Then I see you as a globe, spinning on the axis of my love

Spreading into a luminous light…white! Iridescent..

I sit and jot down an entire word pile

Rested on one single sentiment- the expression of the unspoken 

But the smile I let out when you top it and topple it..

This massive word heap, with your silence, your presence, your essence 

I sprinkle these lines at you, like confetti

Conceding defeat at your feet!

Thursday, July 08, 2021


 Fabrics can be friends

The ones sewn into flattering forms

Wrapping my flesh in a cuddle, puddles of frills warming my skin

That Tee for example - I swear what I say is true

Conforms to my heart dousing those flutters and jitters in a secure swaddle 

Almost making me feel like a newborn receiving skin to skin from the mother.

The color it bled takes an ombré effect, adding to its coze

Much like a parent’s warm smile.

The weft and warp softened to accommodate my rough edges

Sanding them.

I feel polished  like a pebble in the way of a stream, in the garb of that Tee - like a bestie’s assuring smile, accompanied by a tight hug.

Sometimes the seams of that fabric blur and I see your skin

Where the Tee had been.

And you swaddle, cuddle and secure me in that embrace.

You could be my old, comfy tee - my old comfy tee could be you.

What amalgam of being loved!

Wednesday, July 07, 2021



Then I write, when I write
I feel a lack of words like a lack of breath!
Panting, I ponder 
I call a Verse, 'Reverse'.
I call a Poem an Ooem - Lisping my way through names.
When I watch through the looking glass
Of this perspective window
I capture things so minute, miniscule, invisible
That spotting them morphs me into thin air
And I become a ghost of the Ooem - I mean the Poem.

"The Visible is a hoax" - wisdom from the Ghost I had become
Whispers in my ears.
"It is" I tend to agree. 
And bend to see the hoaxes through the perceptive.
I touch the non palpable
It feels like a simulation
Like an emotional masturbation.
There's a fulfillment that flows in my being
Beyond the blood and flesh
And I drown in that bliss.
I experience that which cannot be
Captured by the eye, the taste, the sniff, the ear, the epidermis
Oh that's because I become a Ghost.
I do not know if it is the damned one or Holier than thou.
I don't seem to care to sort it into this or that.

I emote, in the abstract
Vacuum flowing through the keypad.
Next time around I might call it a Syric instead of a Lyric.
Does it matter what I call it?
Or even how I shape it?
It is a void for Heaven's sake - or for the sake of Timbuktu.
It cannot confirm to the container
Or a spelling rule.
It is there but it isn't.
So what's in a name.
An Ooem it is, not a Poem. Spilling through the abyss.

Thursday, June 10, 2021


 This thing about this thing
Called life and living
How strange its ways
Do we know the count 
Of the left over days?
Blurred in the daily grind
Obscured in the mind rewind
Living a day back or a year ahead
In this trope of a silly head!

This thing about this thing
Called being in the moment
What simple instruct
Lost in the brain construct.
The next stop, the last - who knows?
Perhaps curtain down on the Shows
Of Illusions, delusions
Of elaborate plans ahead of present.

This thing about this thing
Called in between two points
One life, one death
Several plots and joints
What plain little truth
Wrapped in a silly little scam
That our time is unlimited
Waiting to live sometime else
This thing won't wait!
Don't let it slip in the mind maze.
Be. Just Be!

Thursday, June 03, 2021


If you were one of the unfortunate few who had a conversation with me in the last year, you probably remember how the theme of my conversation was my Kindergartner's virtual school. You probably got bored over how I complained about the five apps they had to submit their 'asynchronous' work on while quipping about how they could have called it plain old homework and ranting about the American obsession of sounding profound in its nomenclature. I know, it's a bit of an irony coming from the wordy me - this disdaining of using fancy, frilly words in lieu of easy, simple ones. But the point is, I made it loud and clear that I was waiting for this 'virtual' year to end. 

Till I discovered otherwise. 

It was the last day. And it was finally here. I was doing a "Yippie" inside my head and capturing some memories on my phone while my little tot logged into the final session of her Kindergarten year. Every one of the twenty three tots were ecstatic, screaming in joy about the summer break, about popsicles, visits to cousins and late night movies. Or so I thought. Suddenly I saw little Emma on the screen. Her breaking voice drowned in a bedlam of joy from the other participants. Kind Mrs. K, the class teacher, hushed the rest of them to let Emma speak. "I am going to miss the class, this is the last day and I can never log into this session again" she said, her blue eyes wide open without a blink, trying her best to hide a whimper. Kind Mrs. K said a few words of comfort. They probably helped Emma handle her emotions, they probably didn't. From that point on, I was too soaked up in Emma's emotion to identify my own, So I didn't know. 

There's this quirk about me - all this deep seated ponders emerge from a place or space I do not know exists. On a normal day, I am like an actor playing the role - very well aware of the 'playing' part - in simple words, emotions elude me. I know, most people that know me might laugh when I say this but this is the utter truth. But of course, I am a master of soaking up second hand emotions. Like I soaked up Emma's. Some probably call it empathy.

I call it confusing.

So the confused me welled up along side. I suddenly started feeling low. Like I didn't want this kindergarten class to end. Like doing all the 'asynchronous' work was the best part of my day. I probably grabbed a tissue, dabbed my eyes and blew my nose and walked around morphed into Little Emma - carrying the weight of her emotion on my overweight shoulders. I wish and hope that Emma had gotten over it sooner than I did as the residue of that emotion still lingers around here, close to a week after it occurred. I had a hard time taking down the arts and crafts I pinned to the 'work wall' of my second born, and discarding paper work was a torture on its own. Matters didn't help when the second born wanted to hold on to the last scrap of the papers she scribbled and colored on. "Is this the only way you would remember your KG?" I would ask her again and again, making her let go of a stack of papers into the recycling pile. All of this, while I was in a state of denial myself and did all of this letting go with a reluctance I had never known I had.

Then I thought of the Friend we lost last month - and the grief amplified. I let it flow, without dams to control it. I fit myself into all the shoes I could think of fitting myself into, and let the pain cleanse my insides. I know some call it empathy. 

I call it Amusing.

Now, Only, If my feeling those alien emotions helps the owners of those emotion with some respite. In my silly way, I think it does. We cannot probably take away another's sorrow. But we can feel it, share it, experience it like our own.

I don't know how to feel about all this soaking up. 
I'll let it be.

I call it Loving.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Wednesday, June 02, 2021


Through the looking glass,

Through the image if an I,

The illusion 

I see more of them, those delusions 

Filtered in sunshine

Feigning more facades.

I kick up my feet, giving them a respite

From treading through thorny pavers

Uncased in flesh strolling in a maze, 

Encased in spirit, trying to unravel the tangles.

Through the crystal ball, I see

Seeking answers to rhetorics.

Does true love exist, beyond allegories 

That adorn the walls…some above and some below

Some woven to represent a heart 

Some framed in the voids of the walls

Urging the illusion I

To seek! 

What does the I see?

What does the I listen in those silent speech bubbles

Violently adamant!

Nothing but the rhetoric echoing

Making the I speechless at its own irony!

Friday, April 30, 2021

A-Z April Z for Zee to A


And it's a wrap. This challenge does so many wonderful things to my creative, emotional and overall wellness. When I sit and write every day of the week in April,  I realize how we put off things that are not time sensitive and the procrastination bug bites us.

The problem is that we think we have time.

That we have time and it'll come tomorrow. That we can take that trip, make that call, visit that loved one, catch up with that best friend or write that blog tomorrow. 

The problem is that we think we have time.

This month had been one of the hardest I went through. Meat grinder, roller coaster, free fall - all rolled into one. If this wasn't A-Z, I would have shunned this space indefinitely - trying to cope with the challenges I was put through. If it wasn't for this commitment I took seriously, I wouldn't have found this coping mechanism of writing it out and finding some strange strength to deal with this Class A beast called life.

There is no time. There is no tomorrow. There's no order to life. It is not just short - it is brutally, chaotically short. There is one moment. Here and Now. In the present. And right here in the present, the answers to all our problems magically surface and dissipate them.

The answer to the problem is "Do it now!"

And with that wisdom I mend a pained heart, and the show goes on. 

I hope we all find some Zen in every path we tread - The lovely trail, the busy road or the stroll through our keyboards to find the paradox of life.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Thursday, April 29, 2021

A-Z April Y for You


The map leading to the treasure
The fortune sought in good measure
Treading the path leading out
The footsteps march on a mission
Where do you see? What do you seek?
In this wonder of an existence.
Close your eyes - what do you perceive?
What happens to the outer - that's Deceive!
These heaps of things
What desire brings.
What do they add? What do they subtract?
Is there a profit greeting you at the bottom line?
Is the greed of accumulation
To success define?
Where do you wander
Looking for joy
For fulfillment, you seek a decoy.
This delusional path, futile and tough
Shun it, look within
YOU are enough!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A-Z April X for XOXO


I was contemplating over my writing journey and I remembered that I had a very weird web address for my blog when I first started. In my defense, It was 17 years ago. When I look back I was very innocent and yet to experience life in its full spectrum. In a very non-egoic way, I startle myself at the purity of thought and action I had back then. As life happened, the topography of my thought changed - so did my perception. While I have to say I grew up in the truest of senses, something in me misses my plain, trusting and untarnished younger version. Life had contaminated me in some ways and refined me in other ways. It was a good ride - an amalgam of bumpy and smooth, tranquil and turbulent. 

On the brighter side, I gave a form to an abstract spiritual side of me. In the past three years or so, I discovered meditation. It is funny how this 'mediation' thingy was something the significant other started on, around the same time as I started on my blog - but somehow, we never seemed to have discussed of this being an 'option' I should try as well. At long last though, it wasn't him that prompted me to do it. He perhaps believed in the fact that I should find it in myself to try it and it shouldn't be something that he should persuade me to do. I do however, started believing in the premeditation of things and our doors open when we are ready to walk through them. Sometimes there in no growth in our comfort zone. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going and we need some silence of the mind to maneuver through that. 

In a very metaphorical way, my blogging journey had corresponded with my life journey. In fact, every thought, every imagination, every inspiration I record in here, had been nothing less of meditation. It had brought me where I stand today. While life threw its blessings and hurdles, my writings got to the table the much needed company, contemplation and clarity to deal with the hauls.

And there was a supplement support system that helped me stream through this type A beast called life. Or should I say, supplements! - the Xs and the Os. Now tell me, which of them is a hug? and which of them is a kiss? I see conflicting opinions. But for me Xs are hugs. When life fails me, meditation helps. when meditation fails, the Xs helps - and I am so blessed that I had gotten so many of them - and in such assortment. For all those who held me when all else failed - XXX.  That includes the ones that wander or deliberate to this place to send me a virtual embrace by the giving me a drop of their precious time and thought.

May the world embrace Love in its purest essence.

Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels

Monday, April 26, 2021

A-Z V for Vagaries

I was half inclined to flake out of the challenge today. I know, the last lap. We are almost at the end of it and my commitment to commitment wasn't holding steam in the face of what my heart is going though as I broadcast my innermost pain in a public platform. I need a purge. There's a lump stuck in my throat.

But, the show that it is, and the 'must go on' factor kicks in, I feel the need to say what needs to be said when it could be said. My heart is missing a piece, my soul feels an inexplicable void as we bid a final good bye to our most loved friend and guide that had played the role of a blood bond in our lives, walked with us through thick and thin and loved us and our kids like his own.

SM - my dear soul brother - you'll be missed. I wanted to see you back from the ordeal and hug you once you got back to all of us. Since that isn't going to happen now, I send you a chunk of my heart. Soar high and guard us from above. Our days aren't going to be the same in your absence.

And my dear cyber brethren - live it up and love like you are going to lose it. One day we all are going to lose it and we never know, That one day could be today.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

A-Z April U for Unfazed


Bowing to the Divine design

Balancing the ebb and flow

Let these footsteps tread

Understanding the transient 

Unfolding the eternal 

Yielding to the ultimate force!


Pic by Cottonbro from Pexels

Friday, April 23, 2021

A-Z April T for Tenacity

 I know you can do it
Just come back and fill in the space
With your love and light.
Put up a fight
This is worth the while
There's voids you need to fill,
 Promises you need to fulfill.
Trace back those steps home
Hopes await to answer the door.
Don't leave mid way 
Through the lanes you  picked to tread
Grab on to those hands you held
An about turn is the need of the hour.
Hold on, hang in there
Wander all you want
But let love lead you home.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

A-Z April - S for Sublime


I couldn't get myself to Blog yesterday. It wasn't just a shortage of time. The energy, the will and the intent, all went amiss. As we tried to put a brave face in challenge and are supporting a friend in need, Life, once again presented its precariousness to us and how. There was a decline in morale, a let go of hope - but then, One deep breath and one taking into account all that was working miraculously in our favor, I did end up finding my resilience, not just for myself, but for the people I was supposed to be there. The flip of energy was magical and a what seemed to be a hopeless situation turned around into a beacon of hope. We sat together in unison, us and our people, and counted the blessing. Counted the miracles and the show carried on in a positive direction.

I was too blank to talk or think and then the support system kicked in. My spiritual anchors didn't fail me and I sit here in utter gratitude, offering thanks to the system - for the intelligence that works above and beyond me, that works with me, that works through me. In the morning, I grabbed my cuppa and ventured into the warm spring garden. When I planted seeds a few weeks ago, it was an early step I realized as we still had the residual chills and frost from winter. But I left one of the pots in the warm sunlight. I don't know why I did it as I had zero hopes for that seeds to sprout. Today, as I took my watering can, I saw something green do a peek-a-boo in the potting mix and as I gently separated the soil, I see lush green seeds shooting through the dirt. A smile bloomed in my heart - if those seedling had eyes, they'd have spotted the brightest welcome I suppose. I hope they felt it and all the same with an extra sensory perception.

Life isn't easy. It probably is a lot more intense than 'isn't easy' but there's a power that works in support, in silence, in sync. And to that support, to that silence and that sync, I pay my humble tribute!

A-Z April R for Rhetorical

 Who am I?

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

A-Z April - Q for Quiet the riot!


One of my many Spiritual masters - Ramana Maharshi said "The Highest instruction is transmitted in silence" Now, the customary dragging of my spiritual side into this banter has become quiet the ritual here, so the irony that my life is, I keep bantering and going in an incessant blah blah while wanting to dwell in the Quiet. Since this noise is a given, I should as well make it like I mean it. Isn't it? So I tackle the Qu with a hodgepodge of Qus' I say Qu since there isn't a word that could be spelt with Q without the u in tow - kind of like how my every noise is spelt with an intense intent to be silent. Makes sense? Or not Quiet?

Quality - the next word in my Qu Queue. In one of my recent reads, a modern spiritual master urges us to be in the present. The process of doing something is the purpose of doing it, he means to say - as in giving the hand on task our 100% attention without the end in mind. In other words, we should quiet the mind and do our duty with the concentration of a monk and that brings in the quality component to everything big and small we take up or touch. 

Quest - What's yours? Mine is nothing. I have a quest, for nothing. For that calm in the mind, for that Zen, that full stop on the mental chatter. One day, I'll be nothing. I'm Quiet sure of that.

Quick - Be quick. Quick in giving and forgiving. Quick in helping, quick in loving. Quick in acting on that noble intentions - life is not just short, It is chaotically short. We are not sure of tomorrow. The now is where we should be, living it up - so don't put off that spreading of love. 

Be quick, the clock is ticking.

Quaintness is something I love. Transport me to that word and I am in a mini mind vacation, smack dab in the center of a meaningless banter. Yes, I am quirky. Ask my parents, my besties, ask my first born - they'll vouch for it. Or just stick till the end of this. Don't let this balderdash quell you, and voila, you'll have proof without asking my near and dear.

What was I saying? Oh yeah! Quit that procrastination. We are not guaranteed anything in life except this very moment. This is it!

Quote - I won't end this with tonight. Instead, let me add a quirky twist - let me make this quintessentially me and not surprise myself by being coherent. 

Let's move on to exhibit # 1

I cannot get over the perfection of this face - Isn't it like one of God's prized creations? I mean, that chin! That master stroke. I know this perfection of a specimen doesn't start with a Qu But the starting rhymes with a Qu - Ladies and Gentlemen - Jude law! one word. Wow!

I don't have pictures handy of exhibit # 2 but I see a similar kind of perfection in my second born's eyes - Lush lashes and the darkest of peepers with a sparkle that is unmatched. I know, it's a mother speaking - so please discount that, and this whole quasi blog entry.

I have no qualms about how nonsensical this is. I know it at least. I am not in denial.

I'll stop quipping now. I know it isn't funny. It is pathetic!

Monday, April 19, 2021

A-Z April - P for Percept

Once upon a moment
A tiny droplet
Slithered down 
Through slopes of the being.
It glistened like a pearl
Shone like a crystal
Plain - it was
An amalgam of sorts.
A transperant bead
Blending pleasure and pain
Perspective and perception.
It gathered in its light form
The luminence of experience
The lucidity of awareness.
Playing a dual role
With professional precision.

Once upon an instant
A small droplet
Packed mighty prowess
It glided down by the high cheek bone
Or perhaps by the blade of grass
Did it drop from the eyes or descend from the heavens?
Did it pierce through the crevices of the heart?
Or gathered from the cool mist of dawn?
Did it cleanse a grief
Or quench a thirst?
Perhaps it drenched the parched earth 
To feed the foliage
Or soaked the soul
Flushing the ache.

Once upon an inspiration
A little droplet
Dribbled through a thought
Dabbled with an outlook
Bringing forth a flood of fervor
Taking the shape it is contained by
Morphing into a muse.

Photo by Pixabay - Pexels

Saturday, April 17, 2021

A-Z April - O for One

Beyond words, where silence dwells
Where what we do onto others
We do onto ourselves.
Shift the angle
What's wrong, what's right?
While this Sphere rotates
Occur day and night.
Pleasure and pain
A cycle so entwined
One follows the other
With the misnomer 'Destined'.

Causal links we search 
Up and down
In this Ego,we let the love drown.
What's yours? What's mine?
In this maze divine
Would you know what unfolds
Or what tomorrow holds?

Where do you start
And where do I end?
We are underneath a seamless blend

In this dual bend 
Of Yan and Ying
Oneness is the only thing.

Friday, April 16, 2021

A-Z April - N for Norcturnal Diaries.

I swear, I had a whole shebang of a blog going with that title and suddenly what happens? It all disappears. I could'nt undo it. So actually, when I started off the blog I wanted to write about N for Nothing and make it like a allegory of sorts with something psuedo profound. But my nocturnal diariy was going somewhere actually profound. I found a parallel for how I am a morning person just like I am an introvert but somehow end up doing the polar opposite of my inner index. And poof...It all disappeared.

So the Univerese wants me to say Nothing tonight. On this day of N. No contesting that I guess.

So N dear Brethren is for No meaning, no  content and no nothing. Well, that's two negatives. Go Figure....

Thursday, April 15, 2021

A-Z April - M is for Many things.


As I maneuvered through a very jam packed day, my mind kept going back to today's entry here. I really, really wanted to sketch a Matt and Bessie comic strip for today and I also thought of what they'd do and say - but there was a spontaneous energy the day had and I had to stream with it and put off the blog till the 11th hour, quiet literally. And when I think of what to write under this M header, nothing else came to mind. For a bit. And then, everything started coming at once so I decided to make a Multi many M for the day.

I recently put down Eckhart Tolle's 'A New Earth' and this time around, I really combed through the book, like I was doing some kind of a research project on what he had to say in there. The results are this new fond, and hopefully not temporaray moments of being Mindful. Tolle says that whatever moment we are in, is the purpose of our life. So, for now, my purpose is to write this blog, after which, my purpose would be to rest. In other words, he advices and does it like a broken record, to be in the present moment, devoid of all mental banter. I can go on and on about this topic, but the other Ms in the Matrix beckon to me. So,off I go.

I have many dear friends by God's grace - M is probably one of the dearest. He and I go back to quarter  a century of friendship, which had been nothing less of wonderful. M and I don't constantly stay in touch, but when we get in touch, the time and distance melts into a heap of nothing. Of all the things I feel profoundly grateful for, M features in one of the few top slots. He has had my back through thick and thin and cherishes our bond of friendship like a blood bond. When I think of M, I feel safe, loved and blessed. So dear M - Thank you becomes a small word to offer for everything you gave me.

Talk about Meals and my ears perk up. Just today, on a week night, I got this opportunity to host some special friends over for dinner. The plan was sudden but when it comes to making meals, I take it up like a mission or a prayer perhaps. I thank God for my love of cooking and serving. Without which my life would have been a little less fulfilling. 

Mommy dearest, aka the mother board turned a year older a few days ago. The more I age, the more pronounced it becomes, her influence on me. As different as mom and I are, I realize, so we are similar. A chunk of any merits I seem to have, I have to trace them back to her. She had inspired by example and left this huge impact on me that I am ever thankful for. Mommy dearest is someone that had moulded me to who I am today. 

Before I call it a day, I would like to bring in another M - Mojo - I cannot for the life of me, figure out where mine comes from - so I give up and blame it on my Mentor - or Guru. Baba of Shirdi is one of those great souls to have walked on our planet and to call him my Mentor, I feel like the luckiest, most blessed soul in the world.

And by the way - Maya it is. This whole circus we call life. Never forget that, and if you did, which you definitely would - look no further than Meditation.

Meditation is cracked up to be this, that and what not. It is no rocket science, no math problem - It is. It just is. It just is being in this moment. Try it. Be here. 

And the Magic unfolds here.

Merci! ;)

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

A-Z April L for Let it


Through this angle
Let it flow
Let it go past the cares
And those petty 'I, me, myself' affairs
Spreading across like light
Setting glitches alright!
Armed with a smile
A tender word
Those vows addressed, 
Those hindrances blurred.
What there of value?
Not jewels and riches
It only love that this life, enriches.
Let it go, fetch the priceless 
A brith well lived, love well expressed
Spawning like a glow of joy and bliss
If there's a thing that changes the world it's this!
Like that's the only thing you are born to do
Love with all you got, and all the feelings true.