Tuesday, September 08, 2020


But ofcourse, 

I am a Zilch

Yes, A Zilch - a Proper noun

Labeling the space that's I.

And when the naming happens, 

The zlich lets out a playful chuckle

At the irony of the process.

What holds nothing? 

May be I should rephrase this - 

What nothing holds? 

An abstract collage of moments

In the eternal now

Skimming through like a slide show

Filling the Zilch with fuzzy things

Like love and peace!

I am a zilch

Looking for words

To fill up worlds of illusions

Words knit in wool, words baked in kilns

To warm the skin and feed the gut.

A void I am, gaping at my being

Remembering Lennon of The Beatles

And quoting him when

"The hole of my life flashes before my eyes!"

I am a space - a vaccum perhaps

Looking to gather the cosmic scraps.

I am a verbal outlash

How funny, this I

Trying to capture the essence of Sky

In silence, in stillness and in space

While heaping up rubbles of references

And laughing at mind's maze!

Sunday, September 06, 2020



I live to tell another tale

Of the love of blossoms

Marigolds, Hybrid teas, Tulips and Dandelions.

I live to take another breath

Of rapture in the rising sun

Lost in the flood of His golden warmth

Flicking away the shadows of the night.

I live to smile another smile

At a toddler's energy, a teen's anarchy

And a planet taking refuge in fear

Masking its face in the faceless threat!

I live to shed another tear

Of emotions that hover over the empath's head

Sensing the pain in a distant strain

Of a song strumming on the ukulele

Strung with choice fibers of the heart!

I live to let the insides beat

In response to all things made of love

I live to make the soul dream

Of a release from this mind's stream..

I live to dance to the DJ's tunes

Tapping my feet, swaying my head

Grooving to the full throated croons

Of myhnas in the distant monsoons.

I live to watch ladybugs and dragon flies

Having field days in the backyard 

I live to crush figs with my incisors

Devouring the bounty of the Being.

I live to grin ear to ear

At the Divine design, at the Aha Moments

I live to mess , I live to fuss

On this stage of make belive

Flowing with the illusion.

I live to learn, I live to know

To grasp what Is and the thoughts Let go..

I live to scribble another verse

I live to count the years in reverse!

How long did I live? I stand still and muse -

Let me count the ways to amuse

My inner child, the eternal being

Living yet another year, in absolute knowing

That she knows not beyond spreading her light!

Giving her love and basking in that delight.