Attempts to create, to etch an image of memory on the canvas of passing time.
Efforts to accumulate wealth, wellness and well wishers in the odyssey of life. Dreams to conceive, goals to achieve. Battles to win. Journeys to begin. All things rosy, All things pretty come and fall in the lap of living. A void remains.
A haunting fact that exists in the disappearance of the missing world when the eyelids of ignorance close on the eyes of knowledge drives home a point We all miss - There's nothing without when the identity of truth ceases to exist within
and what we see melts into oblivion, reminding us of the illusions we live in.
Efforts to accumulate wealth, wellness and well wishers in the odyssey of life. Dreams to conceive, goals to achieve. Battles to win. Journeys to begin. All things rosy, All things pretty come and fall in the lap of living. A void remains.
A haunting fact that exists in the disappearance of the missing world when the eyelids of ignorance close on the eyes of knowledge drives home a point We all miss - There's nothing without when the identity of truth ceases to exist within
and what we see melts into oblivion, reminding us of the illusions we live in.