Monday, August 10, 2020



By the door I stand
Contemplating life
If there's anyone on the otherside
Standing the way I am
Considering life like me
Wondering if they belong on this side
Wanting to swing it open
And embrace a new bond.
Borne out of a yearning to be 
Loving to see
How they fit in the collage
Filling a space -  a room in this heart
Like meant to be.

By the door I stand, consumend by this longing
Gazing at the wall with nonchalant pain
Concealed carefully in this histronic called living
My heart slipping and skipping a beat
Everytime I hear foot steps approaching
My soul freezing in suspense
"Would it open? Would it close?"
But I stand there, leaning on the wall
Weaning off the carefully nurtutred hope
When those footsteps take an about turn
And fade into the silence.

By the door I stand, wrapped in grief
Carrying the burden of unspent love
Looking for a place to go, but nowhere to be
Then that love gathers in the edges of my eyes
Like dew ready to slip off the leaves
Bleeding into its roots
And seeping into the earth, for once vanishing 
Like it never existed!

Then the door swings open, the one into my heart
And I realize the love need not be turned into wisps of vapor
It can slide inside, like a self love tide
Sweeping the debris of unwant away.
The door before lies the way it is
And the closures come in
Like spring blossoms on winter twigs
And I for once, realize
The magic of falling in love
With myself and my divine plot
And I walk away from the wait
For an unheard footstep
And an invisible hand to swivel the door knob
And enter my heart, to fill its void
Or shut it close to a final curtain
Granting peace.
For peace - is on this side of the door
And the pieces on other side are free to flee.
They owe me nothing
And are set loose to grant me my true love,
Self love!