Monday, October 28, 2019


For every dusk witnessed 
For every dawn survived 
Those moments lived on between 
Those breaths taken in rhythm 
With the orchestration.
For every pain sustained 
For every joy cherished 
The mundane, the magical
Captures on the mind’s lens
For the dreams inside the dream
The pretenses inside the act
For the unconsciousness 
Trumping the awareness 
For the childishness 
Clouding the wisdom  
For these stray thoughts 
Like these lost steps
Traced with mere words 
Merging with meaning 
And melting into muted Being
Let this plot unfold
Like a dew drop on the lily pad
Attached  but detached 
Attuned but free 
Flying over the setting sun
To the nest of destiny 
Into His open armed vastness
Transitioning the make believe.
Let the soul merge..