Friday, April 13, 2018

Day 13 - L for Luminous

Dab a little here
Drench in it there
Felicitating awe
Light, lighten
Warm, burning, flickering
Source it to the firefly
Or the brightest star in the sky,
Let love light
Transform and reveal
Every frame there is
To life.

Pictured - Lillies and light from my backyard!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Day 12 - K is for kindly

"Where's your K?"

"Oops - And I thought it was all cleared"

"I thought you skipped it to catch up again"

"Nope, it skipped my mind - I wish I'd skipped it instead"

"But what's the big deal - go catch up"

"I know, I have this profoundness I found that I need to capture into F"

"But it is K that you missed. Not F"

"I know. I'll write my day 12 entry - K for Finer"

"Oh come on - K for Finer? what are you thinking? Or are you thinking?"

"Oh yeah - It is K not F. So I'll write about F for fine. Just fine. and I'll spin this whole perspective into a word play with homonyms. F for the fine as in I am fine and F for the fine as in the finer that came to me in this revelation"

"Fine - you don't seem to get over your K for Finer - But know what? Just go do what is to be done"

"I wish I had it all controlled with a switch - so I go punch the letter K and my ponder about the finer things in life springs into black and white"

"Okay, okay - K for finer it is"

"Yes, K for the finest of it all"

"Which is?"



"Yes - so I find kind now. The F got obliterated and is now replaced by K for kind"

"What kind of balderdash is this? Do you even call this a qualifying entry"

"Kind  - be kind! Kindly"

"Sigh....what all I do to keep  up with your uninspired self"

"Kindness please - And I promise to ponder about my finer in another mismatched slot"

"And you expect it to be a knock out?"

"Kind of - but just remember, expectation begets disappointment"

" Don't worry, keep at it. And I'll keep at keeping my brutally honest feedback to myself"

"Brutal. Yes! Honest? may be - you get more kick out of the former than the latter anyway"

"Apologies cause I cannot even think of a synonym for balderdash starting with k"

"Name it foolery"

"I have an idea, I'll call it Knocked senseless. It still is a K. Kindly keep up, kindly, pretty please with a cherry on top (grin)"

Picture courtesy - Dhiren shah

Day 11 - J for Journey

Lug along,
Longings to escape
Packing bags and baggage
Taking a break
From the commonplace.
What you leave behind,
Perhaps awaits with a hope
For you to come back
Looking forward to coming back.
The take off
Simulates, you suppose?
In a strange, amusing way
The  journey we take
Into the airs
Of the cosmos.
Leaving behind
The vehicle, to return to the elements.
Opt wisely
Us - what we intend to pack
 In those bags and baggage.
For, they might lug us down, 
Instead of us lugging them around.
Picture credit - Chandra Elango

Day 10 - I for In

"Did you ever give it a thought? Imagine probably comes out of the word image." She asks him while attempting to write her self imposed five hundred words of the day.

He smiles. "Oh there goes your food for thought. Imagine indeed sounds like it sprouted out of image"

"Right? Like Image plus the preposition in equals to imagine. Wow, am I cool or what?"

"You are cuckoo"

"It's all in how you imagine anyway. Someone's cool is someone's cuckoo"

He laughs "Where do you get these whacky thoughts out of?"
"In" she replies

"In as in?"

"Inside - the head, heart, brain, soul, spirit....I don't think I can name one source or if all these sources are synonyms of the same source. Come to think of it, isn't it cool how we live a whole entire life inside our heads? Or hearts or what ever - this perception that bifurcates and sorts everything we come into contact with? - This is good, this is bad, this is awesome, this is quirky, this is is as if we give birth to a billion perceptions and look at them from all angels and decided what we want to name them, like we would contemplate on the name of an offspring. And once we decide upon the name, it transforms into what we decide to call it...This head of ours is a double dang. Right?"

"Not sure about every head out there, but yours, most definitely is a double dang -what ever that is supposed to mean"

"I want to call the head as  'Imagine'"

"Go ahead. Call it what ever you please"

"But, just may be - if we call it as imagine, we get to use it for what it is supposed to be used. To imagine, to stretch and skew every emotion we decide to live and imagine some wisdom and sense out of it. Come to think of it, don't you think we'll all live in harmony if we let imagination take over our judgement and let empathy flow into the In?"

"You are obsessed with empathy these days!"

She smiles. "You are observing these days. And letting your imagination pave way to empathy. Like Einstein  said - "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Did you ever imagine how he must have meant it?"

"Never did, but may be he meant being empathetic is more important than being intelligent"

"See, we live it all inside there, seeing it the way we intend to see it. And I think I found out my reason for insomnia"

He laughs "Which is?"

"I am 'in' all the time. In love that is. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because of love - Leo Tolstoy"

"So you fall in and out of love all the time you mean?"

"Bingo - see how you see it is not how I mean it? I fall into love over and over. Sometimes with the humming bird that flutters on the other side of the bay window and sometimes with the child that ran and held the door open for me at the sandwich place and sometimes with the sandwich"

"what did you say you were? Cool?"


"That can only be cuckoo"

"As you like it sire - it is all in there. In your own head!"

And thus, she goes back to doing what she does best - looking inside, to add a little 'in' to the images she looks at.

Monday, April 09, 2018

Day 9 - H for Hide

All those obscure blotches
Of unrequited chords
Woven into mazes of affliction
Cutting through the chambers of the spirit
Carefully concealed in a facade
Beckon for an ally
To gently unravel those knots
And soothe the callouses.
An empathetic ear, never reading too much
But cooling the ambers of every emotion
With just the willingness to hear -what blessing!
The journey we take
Between hide and confide
Is all the distance the soul needs to travel,
Basking in the comfort of belonging
 Having all there is to have.

Picture courtesy - Dhiren shah. The Crypt of Winterfell, Jordan.

Sunday, April 08, 2018

Day 7 - G for Generic

They walk along the damp oversize side walk.

"It is amazing how random dried, residual oak leaves from fall get strewn on the path along with dainty white cherry blossom petals" Bee says, Rex Looks at her and smiles.

"And it is also amazing how you keep gazing at the concrete as if you are calculating your next step to save those poor snails"

"Amazing right? how those slimy cute creatures leave their own distinct trails of moisture amid the dampness from the rain! Reckon there'd be a few hundred of them on this boulevard? Almost as many cars as would zoom past the adjacent busy road during the day?

"Right. Busy road. We think us girlfriends are the only ones on the sidewalk past 10 pm and we have slimy intruders by the hundreds"

"Okay, we have company. Let us not calculate or count. You knew my loathe for math as a child"

"I know that story very well. You always scored all there was but you despised it all the same and why may I ask? This is a question that never occurred to me when we were kids"

"I got bored of Math. I mean, it held my interest till I cracked the problem - but then, the answer was predetermined. I didn't have much to discover there in terms of what greeted me at the bottom line. I was either right or wrong and that made me queasy. Generic things don't excite me much, so Math didn't"

"So you didn't like the predictability or the uniformity of math! revelation" Rex rolls her eyes and smiles.

"I didn't like how Mrs. D made the essays predictable either. "At the railway station" and each one of us has to write about the same hustle and bustle and same hawkers yelling themselves hoarse. When we are created with unique voices and faces, why do we step out of our way to fit in?" Bee steps out a little to accommodate a slimy friend.

"So you despise predictability. Do you consider me predictable?"

"I advocate uniqueness. I am not here to despise or judge anything...Judgement makes us very inhuman"

"I thought judgement makes us human"

"That's another way of looking at it, if you will. But if you examine humans closely, we are all unique. Even kids borne out of the same parents vary so much in their look or thought - so isn't it inhuman to think that everyone out there should confirm to what we think is right or wrong? Like we are attempting a math problem with a formula we coined for ourselves and we unfairly want to tinker with every uniqueness out there to fit our own formula?"

"So you are telling me you despise judgement?"

"I don't despise them per say, cause that might qualify as a judgement too - as we are all trying. Not everyone is wise or deep enough to understand the uniqueness of life. We are offered lessons, but then, we can only process them if and when we are ready. So I won't judge a person that is judging. I try to learn my own lesson and not judge. That's the reason I like art. It is not confined to a right or wrong like math or science. You look at it and bring your own meaning to it. Someone else is free to do the same thing as well, they bring in their own unique meaning. You could look at a scenery and look at the sky. Some one might look at the grass and derive the same awe as the sky inspires in you. So you are all right in your own right...isn't that so harmonious?"

"So logic is for losers you say?"

"No. Logic is in its place and is necessary. But life is an art. It is unique to each being that enjoys being alive and that shouldn't be confined to your logic or mine. We shouldn't shackle living into a right and a is not black and white. It is all shades inbetween"

"That is radical"

"I see it as simple. It is as simple as it can get. If you get it that is"

"By the way...what's your take on the Xs...Did you know the Xs are getting divorced..I mean what got into MrsX? Two girls, twenty years of marriage and then this? Isn't it cuckoo?"

"Tell me this question is a red herring"

"Nope, It is not. I want you to tell me your take on this and I demand it right now. Do you think Mrs X was unhappy all along?"

"How do we know. It is her journey. May be it is an emotional void. May be there is a lack of passion, may be it is something she cannot even put into words"

Rex lets out a laugh "Did you say passion?"

"Yes. Why not? It could be that too"

"And you think lack of passion is a ground for divorce? Isn't that petty after twenty years of marriage?"

"It isn't petty and let me not taint poor Mrs.X...I am just giving you a hypothetical situation and why  it is none of your business or mine.  It is judgmental to think it is petty when both of us are securely married to wonderful men..who are we to determine if passion is the prerequisite of a marriage or emotional stability or even financial stability? To each their own"

"So when that actress said what she said  in her women empowerment video, do you cheer her or oppose her?"

"I neither support nor oppose....every choice is unique and everyone does something only when they justify it for themselves. She could be meaning her choice in her own unique way or some other way I cannot fathom. I don't want to jump and take offense if it doesn't apply to me. I'll try to understand it if I can and try not to misunderstand if I can't. I mean, I am sure there were hoards of men who did everything she said she would do, without announcing it in a PSA, why should a woman be singled out?"

"You are judging men now"

Bee lets out a content laugh and dodges another snail on their path.

"Miss Monalisa smile - what is it that hides behind your wise smile?"

"That life is unique and it should never be slotted into a generic box of judgement. And I am a math atheist like my beloved Calvin and am not a man hater. I am a "unique" lover and I allow for people to decide for themselves by keeping my right and wrong to myself"

"So just for once tell me if I am predictable"

"Only in Coldstone" Bee smiles.

"Get over your Mint chocolate chip generics"

"And you over your plain vanillaness"

"Oh yeah? I'll try a legal substance one of these days...I want to see the vision of that bright white light"

"Don't ever try substances alright? You are standalone crazy without the help of psychedelics"

"I know - and don't tamper your uniqueness with your love for Math" Bee pushes her friend and runs.

"Watch out, lest you crush those magnificent slimy creatures out there"

"Look! we are in the shopping complex now....see how my wisdom makes your lose the sense of your surroundings?"

"Yeah right. Try being a Yogini"

"I hear it is lucrative. Let me give it a thought" Bee smiles again, her content smile.

Bee and Rex walk to the Coldstone creamery. And just in case this conversation held you so far in thinking mode, they have the summer hours up at Coldstone already in sunny California.

Post script - Please do not judge Bee or Rex. They both are conceived in my infertile imagination and don't bear any resemblance to a living or dead person....(and I made up the summer hours being effective you don't find a plothole ;-)

And thus I fall prey to the Generics of life.

Grin :-D

Picture - My DSLR Mumbai Visuals - Circa 2008