Thursday, December 19, 2019

Pinky and Salman

Behold! That’s indeed Salman Khan’s mug shot on my blog space! Just when life gets predictable and boring, such occurrences happen. So the eternal “most eligible bachelor” of Bollywood that made his debut when your truly was an awkward kid on Puberty lane, stays put in his desirability long after the said awkward preteen settles into her “stray grey middle aged  mother of two” tag. Some things don’t change. Isn’t that wonderful??

There’s another thing that didn’t change across all these years apart from Salman’s stardom. And that happens to be my friendship with Pinky. Now Pinky and Salman exist on the same plane for me, though the former is a super dear, very special fixture in my life. In the virtue of being Pinky’s favorite actor, Salman somehow became a permanent fixture in my life as well. Cause every time I think of Pinky, Salman appears from behind like the Genie from
The Magic Lamp. Now yours truly never had favorite actors growing up, Ofcourse until a certain Mr. Damon showed up on the horizon and she isn’t really sure if Matt appeals to her as a person or a professional anyway. So without much digress, I’ll admit that my eighth, ninth and tenth grade’s recesses and free times were spent in listening to Pinky’s carefully curated Salman trivia. The other day  when I over heard Pinky on phone, baby talking to her alleged “puppy” Mr. Tiger ( who’s a full blown, true blue German Shepherd btw) I heard her ask me in her baby talking glory if I knew of anyone handsomer than Salman Khan.  Before I asked her  if she was referencing her husband (Sorry Mr.Pinky, It isn't you. Truths are bitter ;)) in the same baby voice, She told me that I didn’t meet Mr. Tiger in person, or in this case,I didn’t meet him in Canine. (Grin) So that goes to say, how much Pinky the Salman lover, is a bigger and better animal lover. Yes, Thank God for little blessings. Spouses need not apply, just in case you are wondering ;)

Pinky wasn’t your average star struck teen mind you. Though, I have to admit that after discovering Salman’s taste in women as I grew up, I always thought Pinky was his type, If you know what I mean. Pinky preceded the vision of Miss Kaif in her teen years though I was kind of surprised to discover Pinky as a very traditional, old fashioned home maker avatar  after we parted ways n lost touch post our tenth grade. Back in the day, Pinky was my window to the world, with special reference to Bhai of Bollywood. She would catch all Salman moves that made a tardy and sometimes painfully dubbed appearances on the screens of our modest little town and come back to school amd relate every bit of the plot to me, with spoilers in tow. So deep was Pinky’s admiration for Salman, that I secretly wished that I could meet Salman and get him to sign an expressly addressed autograph for pinky. Now, talk about the lengths we go in the name of love ;) Now that ‘meeting salman’ and making him sign an autograph for my bestie didn’t happen so far, but thanks again to huge blessings that  I  actually got reunited with  Pinky after a long gap,  thanks again to the magic of the modern day communication and the world wide web.

Pinky and I get along like peas in the same pod. We didn’t see each other in the longest time, make that 28 years. Whaat? 28 *insert expletive* years?? By God, I should admit that I did a double and triple take on that! Now did Salman freeze himself on the collective psyche of the Indian movie goer for so long?

Wait! Is this becoming about Salman seriously? Well, it should in all fairness. When it is about Pinky it has to be about Salman. But the real catch, ye August brethren, is this! It isn’t as much about Salman as it is about Pinky and in all honesty it isn’t as much about Pinky as it is about my love for Pinky and all things Pinky loves, cause I love her :)

And what if we didn’t meet in 28 years? I can bet my last dollar that we are as thick today as we were all those years ago. For true love, dearies, prevails. Full stop.

So my count up, in my little space that reflects my little heart and it’s little joys, is thrilled to feature Pinky alongside that lucky actor named Salman. I don’t know much about his track record but being on Pinky’s nice list is all it takes to get his presence felt in my sacred little bit of this cyber space.

So, the catch ye all ...this is actually about my attention span, that goes to super human lengths in the name of love. Three cheers to undying love and friendship. If that’s three cheers to Salman, so be it.

All is fair in Love. They say.
That - They cannot say it any righter ;)