Saturday, September 07, 2019


Ambience -  Breezy, hazy  fall evening - Yay - it’s autumn 🍂
Mood - Weekend leisure.
Looping - The saving grace of ‘Jab Harry met Sejal.

Cranked, looking back
The visual doesn’t dissolve
Wall papered against
The horizons of passing time.
Some moments refuse
To thaw into forgetfulness.
Some emotions renew themselves
Like pesky subscriptions.
Where the fine font
Goes unnoticed.
Every exit
Weaves itself deeper
Into the Entry!
Tricky mazes, slippery slopes
Of minds musings
Heart’s reassurances.
When the present presents the prevailing
Why does the soul feel so certain
That this isn’t a Ending?
Why does crazy hope
Believe in a More than that?

Inspiration- Imtiaz Ali’s metaphors and music
(Check the surreal lyric out. This one’s an underdog in the album)


I have a feeling that this is going to get windy and wordy, but hey, I am talking to myself so to speak - so what's the harm if I indulge in a soliloquy anyway? And the regular readership - I know a few of you love me. Unconditionally. Thank you for that - now make yourself comfortable and read on....

There are certain days you get a little reflective. Now, we are a household that doesn't take days and dates too seriously. Nevertheless, there are going to be dates that your loved ones would remind you of and cue you into a celebration. I get queasy around celebrations, specially if they are thrown in my honor  - But reflecting comes naturally to me - it is an intrinsic thing so to speak, and so is writing. So when reflecting marries writing, it  becomes a writing block busting blog post. And it becomes a signature ME:)

So, what's this dread about ageing seriously? Isn't that a huge industry, the anti ageing thingie? The bad news is that  all those lotions and potions won't work. You cannot combat wrinkles and loss of collagen with coconut oil or 24 carat gold or even sunscreen. It's like trying to duel a tyrannosaurus with a  fly squatter. And the topography of our face changes with the experiences we face in life. Embrace that change and don't do invasive stuff - I mean, I have noting against nips and tucks, just that it isn't going to change much internally and we are still heading to the grave this way or that!

And here's the good news - it is seriously a number, this age. Nothing more than that. I know, it sounds like desperation in wordage, but trust me. Barring a few outward tell tale sings of the process , we are stuck at an age in our heads. Work on that number - let the counter break down at a good point - like at sixteen or twenty really doesn't matter. Just make sure that the number is something you feel good about. Mine is stuck at eleven. I know - barely in grade school, barely pubertal. It doesn't matter.  I have a whole collection of pencil cases that's growing as we speak to prove the case in point. Now that I have my mental age established and set aside , here after, I'll get the lessons I learned into a listing format. Easier that way, given what all is crossing my mind, begging to be said.

In no particular order :)

(And apologies to all those stuff that isn't being said! - Some other time dear stuff, some other time, if I miss it this time around)

*Money is never enough. Full stop, Unless you work really hard at making it enough. There's a secret formula to making it enough, and it is called - contentment. Work on applying that formula when ever the 'not enough' alarm goes through the roof of your grey matter. Enough said.

*Paid college is good, accumulated assets are good, prestigious degrees are good - giving all of the above to our offspring is wonderful - just as long as we don't forget that our time and attention are better than good and wonderful.

*Elaborate degrees are overrated. Success and career are overrated. I had seen many educated, decorated individuals as deep as the neighborhood kiddie pool. Emotional intelligence is the key to a happy life. Wisdom overrides knowledge.

* Perfect Human is an oxymoron - no matter whom you love, they are going to hurt you, knowingly, unknowingly or in a helpless situation. Make peace with the fact that no one is perfect (and that includes you) and relationships are work. A lot of work infact. It's not to say that you need to become a door mat, but more often than not, if you are looking for that perfect partner or friend, please rest assured that it is all harnessing unicorns and harvesting gold at the end of rainbows.

*True love exists. And it is rare. We fall in love once. Yes, just once. Congratulations if you'd fallen in love. It is the best thing that happened to me. Now don't mistake just anything for 'falling in love' - a good rule of thumb is that when you fall, it is a one way pit. You don't get out of it. You just stay put. If  you had gotten out of it, I am sorry to burst your bubble but truth is bitter. - it could be attraction, infatuation, pulverization, crush, lust, plain love or whatever else name you fancy. Anything else but 'Falling' in Love. And 'not falling in love' isn't a bad thing at all. I am not taunting you for it. Most studies point in the direction that our first love and last love is self love. BTW, the 'object of our love' changing doesn't matter. Falling in love is change proof. It is a chemical change. Full stop.

*Be true to yourself. Opinions and approvals are BS. Trying to prove ourselves to others is a futile exercise. When we stay true to what and who we are, we attract what we need and repel what we don't. It's really that simple.

*Don't fall prey to Ego - no one can put us down. No one intends to offend us, insult us or make us feel little. At the most they are trying their best to make themselves big or they are blissfully unconscious and unaware of how their behavior and words are going to effect you. Most people operate out of their own insecurities and you are not on their agenda in a bad or good way. No one has the time to think about you. Take nothing personally, not because you want to be this 'holier than thou' specimen but because, in the end, it's in  your benefit and not in the benefit of the other party.
Most importantly, don't be this kind of a jerk to others - till everyone in the planet knows that nothing is to be taken personally, it'll be taken personally and when we irk others, we are making - ta daah...Enemies! Unless you are looking for enemies, steer clear of jerky behavior!

*Don't judge. There's no need to sort everything everyone does as good bad or stupid. And not judging saves us a lot of time from not gossiping. Just as money isn't going to be enough, our time isn't going to be enough. Money, we can still earn, beg borrow or steal. There's no knowing how much time we have left and there's no way to source it from somewhere else.

*Whether we like someone or hate someone, we stretch it in our own heads. Apply emotions cautiously.

*Life is short and unpredictable. We subconsciously acknowledge that and buy insurance, but we consciously don't apply it. Do what you have to do, when you have to do it. Say the things you intend to say. Express yourself. Spread love. Understand, empathize, give, share. I don't care what those self help books say about putting yourself above everything else - but thinking of others and being nice are invaluable. They change the whole vibe of our world.

*Our mind is our projector. Everything we see, we see as we want to see it. Not as it is. So we should make sure we have the right perspective.

*Competition is useless.

*Never put things before people - doesn't matter if the 'people' is some stranger on the road. People first - everything next.

*Don't blame anyone for anything. We all have things that go wrong because of some external factors. but when we put the blame elsewhere we carry around a disability that stops us from taking charge and changing our life situation.

*Smile - it is magical and infectious. The bigger the grin, the better.

*Don't hold on to grudges. Don't try to get even or vengeful. There's no way we can fight fire with fire.

*Don't chase people. If it isn't given to you voluntarily, it isn't worth it.

*You don't need to win every argument.

*Stand up for what you believe in. And believe in the fact that our happiness comes from inside. Peace is a choice, happiness is a choice and we can choose peace in any given situation.

*No matter how dire life gets, there's some reason to be grateful. Be thankful for whatever you have. Don't fret about what you don't have. We all don't have it all.

I guess, I'll stop here. Or may be I'll just go on with one last thing.

Faith has nothing to do with religion. Have faith in the higher power. It's all premeditated it'll all work out the way it has to work out.

Oh yeah...and Meditate. Once we stop the minds, ah well, we cannot stop it like we can kill a car engine, but once we kind of stop it - it happens! It really does. What you might ask! Don't ask. Don't trust my word for it. Sit still and give it a try!

And zero sugar and zero fat is bad! Enjoy the full fat sundae. Pls check with your physician before following this advice.

Yeah...don't forget to Smile! A friend of mine used to tell me that it's the second best thing we can do with our lips...Bless her heart!


Friday, September 06, 2019


To My father, my mother, my sibling, my friend, my lover, my love, my child, my existence, my everything!
I have only one thing I can offer you in barter.

Thanks _Λ_

Thank you for this birth. Thank you for your grace. 

Thursday, September 05, 2019


I live in a quaint cottage
A few years old
A little abode that overlooked 
The river!
Oh the river - the perennial, fresh water river
Wearing a rainbow bridge for a crown
Dancing along paddy fields 
By the poetic town.
The cottage has a lounge
Opening its arms
Inviting, trusting, cozy and warm
And the assortment of  emotions that walk in
Some settling in a snug spot
Some lingering around before they talk!
Souvenirs punctuate the space
Celebrations of the gone
Memories that etch a smile, scrape a wound
Decor of triumphs and joys
Knick knacks of griefs and toils
Pain lingering like the faint smoke of  incense
Mourning the existing that refuse to step in
Aches that glow like candles
Feigning light while hiding plight.
I live in a quaint little cottage
A few decades old 
It's tucked in the valley
By the Ocean.
The vast, magnificent ocean
Named after calm and peace
I look at its ebb and flow
From the cottage I lease.
Several Septembers
Spent across the orb
Memories that cue a smile, inspire a sob.
One day, this cottage would cease to dwell
So I better live, I better let go!
As I would wake up and pack the bags
Never to walk this way
By this bank or this shore
Never to come back to walk into another door.

Sunday, September 01, 2019

Mommy Diaries - The dilemma

Kids! The sound of  this word made my insides dance, even when I was a kid. Though I wasn't sure of what all I wanted to be when I grew up, I imagined myself to have a truck load of children - like the old woman living in a shoe with a whole cricket team in tow. I did have a doubt though, about the rhyme - as to how an old woman could have such small kids specially in that number ;) as always, that isn't the point. The point is the plural "Kids" sounds oh so blissful and somehow I couldn't wait to have a bunch of them myself. "At least five" I would tell myself - talk about how the whole biochemistry works for boys and girls and how their goals become so gender specific even without anyone prompting them - talk about the nature code, talk about the coding expert - or may be don't talk about Him. It would be a 'beyond the point' situation yet again.

Back on track, my dream of the plural 'Kids' realized in the year 2015 when along came Polly. The second born was the puzzle piece that missed in our jigsaw of perfection and she finally graced the home and heart of this fortunate mother. And sister. And father. There were opinions that clashed with our idea of perfection. Some thought that a a family without a boy is, well, not perfect and we somehow have to keep at it till the said perfection makes a debut into the family tree. But let me not digress too much into our societal ideas of perfection. The last time I checked,  there is no other species in the world that would hurriedly look in between the legs of its offspring right  upon its first breath, to  rejoice or be disappointed based on what they see- there dear people - right there, is another reason for you to be disappointed in  humans. (Sigh) By now, I think this digress is a part of my writing protocol - right? Right :) and let us make peace with it!

#1 and #2 couldn't have been any different than they are. While one shadows me everywhere I go, like the little lamb behind Mary, the other is vehemently independent. Even as babies one liked to nuzzle up in the folds of my neck when the other fidgeted till I put her away in her crib. When I venture out by myself, one hangs on to the car window asking me to fill a questionnaire about every minuscule detail of my outing. Questions such as 'where are you going?' 'How long will it take?' "May I please tag along?' 'May I call you if I need something?' get the drift don't you? and fifteen minutes into my planned uninterrupted errand running, my phone rings. 'Mom, did you reach safe?' would be the commencing question of the questionnaire till I hastily cut the call off and put my phone on airplane mode.  The other offspring waves at me absentmindedly from the lawn by the drive way, playing with chalk or bubbles and yells 'Have a good time mom!' This child gets the theory of 'Object permanence' to the tee. She is as secure as can be, and won't be bothered by any actions that the grown ups seem to take around her.

Now when it comes to getting things done, one of them is a stubborn mule. "Put your folded laundry away" I would instruct for the fifteenth time since the laundry gets folded and the said child doesn't budge an inch. She has a mind and will of her own and it is near impossible to convince her otherwise, even if the convincing is in her best interest. She has the articulation of a presidential candidate and an arsenal of logic that can put a Harvard law school grad to some threat.  Since I am obligated to follow the house rule of no yelling or losing temper at any point, I am under an unspoken contract to pick my battles wisely. Ever so often when I seem to lose my patience, the stubborn mule jumps on the opportunity to deliver my own gyaan to me saying "Mother, anger is a healthy emotion, and we need to process it in a civilized way. However losing temper isn't healthy any which way we look at it and I hope you know the difference!" I smile and let go when I have to but I still have the last laugh saying "sometimes we need to yell, specially when people won't listen or understand when we talk" - It is just a matter of time that this bit of intense wisdom would be delivered back to me and I am kind of okay with it (grin)  The other kiddo doesn't like any sort of conflict. She is super sensitive to all my facial expressions. If I am lost in a book and look intense, she comes to me and reminds me to flex my facial muscles "Are you happy mom?" she enquires. "You look sad!"
I look up the book and flash a smile and she trots away satisfied. Nothing is a challenge with her. If I ask her to put the books away, she smiles, skips to the books and piles them up. If I say it's time to go home from the park, She tries for a five minute extension, which she gets more often than not. But after what she seems to count as five minutes she'll volunteer to go home herself " I am done mom, let's go now!" would be the happy beaming response.

They both seem to have a good dose of emotional intelligence and a sense of things and people around them but as a mom and as a person responsible to make them ready for the realities, I often wonder if one's stubbornness and the other's willingness would come and effect them in unsavory ways.

     "This one doesn't  give in. And I hope she learns when to hold on and when to let go for her own peace of mind. That one easily gives in, I hope she'll not be taken for a joy ride as she grows up!"

 That's what runs in the mind of a mother, if you aren't a woman or mom ;) Just so you know :-D And both of them at regular intervals, come to check on their ranking in the NY times bestseller list of Mommy. "Whom do you like more? Me or her?" And I smile. I joke around saying that 'our first love and last love is self love' if it is the teen that asks, and to the toddler I say 'What kind of a question is that? Of course I love you more"  She lets out a deep throat sinister chuckle and calls out to her older sister "Hey common here and listen to this" she yells  and turns to me and goes "Amma, you got to be loud and clear so she gets it. Now tell me whom do you like the most?"
Her sister and I exchange a knowing smile and tell her "Of course, it is you. who else?"
Then she jumps the sides and goes to her sister "Don't worry" she assures "I'll always love you more than mom" :-D
Nine and a half years of age gap. personalities as varied as night and day, but somehow, the blood connect trumps and they play along forgetting all the ways they are different.

The nature code is amazing I tell you, the code writer even so! Right? How else can it be so flawless, who else can string it together to such perfection? I know all roads lead to my spiritual surrender and in that surrender I dwell reassured, that no matter who they are or what they become, my kids' have the backing of His divine code, protection and timing.

On that note, the dilemma gets solved :)