Thursday, September 05, 2019


I live in a quaint cottage
A few years old
A little abode that overlooked 
The river!
Oh the river - the perennial, fresh water river
Wearing a rainbow bridge for a crown
Dancing along paddy fields 
By the poetic town.
The cottage has a lounge
Opening its arms
Inviting, trusting, cozy and warm
And the assortment of  emotions that walk in
Some settling in a snug spot
Some lingering around before they talk!
Souvenirs punctuate the space
Celebrations of the gone
Memories that etch a smile, scrape a wound
Decor of triumphs and joys
Knick knacks of griefs and toils
Pain lingering like the faint smoke of  incense
Mourning the existing that refuse to step in
Aches that glow like candles
Feigning light while hiding plight.
I live in a quaint little cottage
A few decades old 
It's tucked in the valley
By the Ocean.
The vast, magnificent ocean
Named after calm and peace
I look at its ebb and flow
From the cottage I lease.
Several Septembers
Spent across the orb
Memories that cue a smile, inspire a sob.
One day, this cottage would cease to dwell
So I better live, I better let go!
As I would wake up and pack the bags
Never to walk this way
By this bank or this shore
Never to come back to walk into another door.

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