Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A-Z April X for XOXO


I was contemplating over my writing journey and I remembered that I had a very weird web address for my blog when I first started. In my defense, It was 17 years ago. When I look back I was very innocent and yet to experience life in its full spectrum. In a very non-egoic way, I startle myself at the purity of thought and action I had back then. As life happened, the topography of my thought changed - so did my perception. While I have to say I grew up in the truest of senses, something in me misses my plain, trusting and untarnished younger version. Life had contaminated me in some ways and refined me in other ways. It was a good ride - an amalgam of bumpy and smooth, tranquil and turbulent. 

On the brighter side, I gave a form to an abstract spiritual side of me. In the past three years or so, I discovered meditation. It is funny how this 'mediation' thingy was something the significant other started on, around the same time as I started on my blog - but somehow, we never seemed to have discussed of this being an 'option' I should try as well. At long last though, it wasn't him that prompted me to do it. He perhaps believed in the fact that I should find it in myself to try it and it shouldn't be something that he should persuade me to do. I do however, started believing in the premeditation of things and our doors open when we are ready to walk through them. Sometimes there in no growth in our comfort zone. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going and we need some silence of the mind to maneuver through that. 

In a very metaphorical way, my blogging journey had corresponded with my life journey. In fact, every thought, every imagination, every inspiration I record in here, had been nothing less of meditation. It had brought me where I stand today. While life threw its blessings and hurdles, my writings got to the table the much needed company, contemplation and clarity to deal with the hauls.

And there was a supplement support system that helped me stream through this type A beast called life. Or should I say, supplements! - the Xs and the Os. Now tell me, which of them is a hug? and which of them is a kiss? I see conflicting opinions. But for me Xs are hugs. When life fails me, meditation helps. when meditation fails, the Xs helps - and I am so blessed that I had gotten so many of them - and in such assortment. For all those who held me when all else failed - XXX.  That includes the ones that wander or deliberate to this place to send me a virtual embrace by the giving me a drop of their precious time and thought.

May the world embrace Love in its purest essence.

Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels


  1. X or O, it's great to get kisses and hugs from those you care about. Meditation is good too. I hope your days are filled with love.

    I love letter X posts! Always such variety.
    It's hard to believe the blogging challenge is almost over for 2021. Then the after survey, reflections, and the road trip sign-up.
    Plus, I'm taking part in the Bout of Books read-a-thon in May. So much excitement!
    J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author
