Friday, April 16, 2021

A-Z April - N for Norcturnal Diaries.

I swear, I had a whole shebang of a blog going with that title and suddenly what happens? It all disappears. I could'nt undo it. So actually, when I started off the blog I wanted to write about N for Nothing and make it like a allegory of sorts with something psuedo profound. But my nocturnal diariy was going somewhere actually profound. I found a parallel for how I am a morning person just like I am an introvert but somehow end up doing the polar opposite of my inner index. And poof...It all disappeared.

So the Univerese wants me to say Nothing tonight. On this day of N. No contesting that I guess.

So N dear Brethren is for No meaning, no  content and no nothing. Well, that's two negatives. Go Figure....

1 comment:

  1. Don't you hate that when the inspiration disappears. I like to think that the universe had other plans for that portion of time - It's easier than admitting my memory is less than stellar. Good luck with the rest of the challenge!

    Here from A to Z. Visit me at where our theme is Down syndrome in the media.
