I could add all the wordage to describe what Jnani means, but this Man right here - One of the most illustrous saints that had walked our blessed Planet is Ramana Maharshi, the poster child of the term "Jnani". His picture is worth all the words in the world, not just a thousand. The suffix Maharshi in his name means a 'Great saint'
Jnani is a sanskrit word that means "Knowing", "Wise", "Sage" or "One possessing wisdom". The Jnani is the one who has busted the maze of 'Maya' or the llusion of this world and attained the highest wisdom of the True self. All I seem to be consumed for now, is admiring his Form, hoping His grace runs onto me and my banter and brings in the ever luminous wisdom to my words and silence them. An ironcial wish indeed ;)
In his human form, Ramana seldom spoke. He was silent, dwelling in the eternal peace that transcends all this creation we see. I wonder how He would have smiled at this constant noise I make here. I wonder if it would have been with motherly love, blessing me with the Silence that I seek, neverthless :) May His DIvine blessings be upon all footsteps that grace this space.
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