Saturday, April 10, 2021

Day 9 - A-Z April - I for Inside


Photo by Miriam Espacio from Pexels

When I thought of writing about I, a lot of things came to mind - I first thought of writing about the  'If' clause. Then about the ego laden "I" but not the I, I as in me. I thought of writing a verse. Then I thought of musing about imagination, my best friend for life. 

Finally, here I am, the spirit me, operating through the form me, that's showed up to keep up with the challenge and in what way? 

Let me see....

The world is dual. Yin and Yang. The spirit world is Non-Dual which is called Advaita in Sanskrit. It finds its roots in the fact that the entire creation is one, and what we do to others we do to ourselves. The Advaita phylosophy simplifies the complicated. It sees and serves the world as one. There's no duality. All are one. One whole.

My school of thought, my practicing religion calls it 'Karma'- a term that is globally understood in the present day. Others might have similarly meaning terms. Simplified, Karma isn't a punishment. It is a lesson because if we separate ourselves from the whole, the whole will seperate itself from us. If we do not welcome happiness everywhere and for everyone  we see it, happiness will eliminate us from seeing it. 

Simple? Simple.

Advaita - that's what I am feeding on right now, and what definitely seems to be the vehicle that is going to launch me into the Great Beyond. Advaita decodes the spiritual seeking and with such simplicity. 

"Go inside" It keeps urging us. Look within. The shortest way to self realization is from the Inside, it pleads to the delusional junta that is a little too caught in the maze of this worldly play.

Advaita says that Joy, Peace and Love are our nature. They are not attributes. And Enlightenment is what we all are within. Except that we have a lot of fluff that obscures it.

Inside, It says. Inside, It insists. Inside, It importunes.

Inside us is the treasure of everything we need. We just need to go inward.

I, dear brethren, Is the I in joint hands, imploring to peek inside.

It could be the only insight we'd ever need.

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