Thursday, April 08, 2021

Day 7 A-Z April - G for Go figure


Auntie S, the fulltime nanny that we hired after our second born was spotted scrubbing away on a tea mug in the sink. Watching her in my periphery, I could see the confusion on her face. When she saw me around she said "This fly is stuck here. I am not able to get it off the cup" She sounded annoyed by the idea of having the carcass of an insect stuck on the prized fine china.

There was a reason why that seemingly persistent dead fly didn't budge from the cup though Auntie S had used substantial elbow grease to get rid of it. It was because the said fly was painted on to the fine china mug. It was a part of the floral design that featured on the outside of the mug - a little unexpected detail so to speak, that appealed to the critter loving, detail loving, cup loving, nature loving looney that's moi.

There's a critter, hopefully a mere imitiation on the God's original, in every nook and cranny of my humble abode. Some are carved out of metal, some curated out of wood, some moulded out of fibre, but all share the space and spread like a theme, for anyone that's looking to find one in my eclectic space. Inscets manifest into my world and words like some kind of indexes - some life lessons, some decorative accents. 

As conservative as I claim my dress sense to be, my earring wardrobe has every imaginable critter out there. Spiders, ladybugs, frogs, a pair of owls, bumble bees, dragonflies, turtles - you name it, I probably have them occupying the realestate of my generous earlobes the few times I care to wear earrings. I gave it a thought, kind of like a go-figure and all these tidbits of information flooded my mind's ambience.

Writing every day of the month, with a theme to boot, is a daunting task, while there's a hormonal 'party of sorts' happening in your insides and there's a block that refuses to budge, not even when you ask it to spare you as you are not a "writer" and a vaccine that's bent upon leaving its linger - with risen temperature that brings a turbulent temperament in tow - but Going and figuring out is the way of life, the sway of life - the display of life! Geez, that was a lame rhyme.

But on retrospect - G it is, Graceful Brethren that loves to blog, to blog hop and blog stop - (That's an other Geez of a rhyme) So what was I saying? 

G is for Geez?

Yes, Geez!


Photo by Dastan Khdir from Pexels


  1. A delight to find my way here today. Calm those jitters with all those critters. How's that for geez that was a lame rhyme. :-)

  2. That's most kind of you _/\_
