Thursday, April 22, 2021

A-Z April - S for Sublime


I couldn't get myself to Blog yesterday. It wasn't just a shortage of time. The energy, the will and the intent, all went amiss. As we tried to put a brave face in challenge and are supporting a friend in need, Life, once again presented its precariousness to us and how. There was a decline in morale, a let go of hope - but then, One deep breath and one taking into account all that was working miraculously in our favor, I did end up finding my resilience, not just for myself, but for the people I was supposed to be there. The flip of energy was magical and a what seemed to be a hopeless situation turned around into a beacon of hope. We sat together in unison, us and our people, and counted the blessing. Counted the miracles and the show carried on in a positive direction.

I was too blank to talk or think and then the support system kicked in. My spiritual anchors didn't fail me and I sit here in utter gratitude, offering thanks to the system - for the intelligence that works above and beyond me, that works with me, that works through me. In the morning, I grabbed my cuppa and ventured into the warm spring garden. When I planted seeds a few weeks ago, it was an early step I realized as we still had the residual chills and frost from winter. But I left one of the pots in the warm sunlight. I don't know why I did it as I had zero hopes for that seeds to sprout. Today, as I took my watering can, I saw something green do a peek-a-boo in the potting mix and as I gently separated the soil, I see lush green seeds shooting through the dirt. A smile bloomed in my heart - if those seedling had eyes, they'd have spotted the brightest welcome I suppose. I hope they felt it and all the same with an extra sensory perception.

Life isn't easy. It probably is a lot more intense than 'isn't easy' but there's a power that works in support, in silence, in sync. And to that support, to that silence and that sync, I pay my humble tribute!


  1. magical people, magical words....liked that "smile boomed in my heart", a very touching seedling story.
