Thursday, December 31, 2020
The “How not to” guide for dummies
Thursday, November 19, 2020
I sit there, by that window -
Looking out at the world
Unfolding like a dream would
It comes true - like sometimes it could.
I smile there, by that window
Something on the other side
Makes the soul bloom from inside.
A stellar view spreads like a roadmap
Unveiling a treasure trove
I gasp there by that window
Soaking in that truth above.
I cry there by that window
It’s panes, reflecting my pains
Of almost forgotten strifes
Of almost healed sutures.
I heal there by that window
Feeling it’s warmth hug me tight
I dwell there by that window
Making it a makeshift abode.
Sometimes darkness greets me
The pitch bleakness blocks me
But I don’t budge, I lean and let go
Sleeping by that solace of a space.
I swoon there by that window
I know it’s there to be..
To unfold my joy my destiny
As the dawn ushers in
Embracing me in that bliss within.
That window takes a form so sublime
I wonder if it is just a window
Or a passage to another soul
Merging unto my own
Making me complete and whole.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Phew...How can a month go by without me whispering into my word world? No sire. It cannot go by. So the customary verse, reverse takes a Muse aMuse moniker and off I go.
The first page on your story
And the last page on mine..
Bound in the same spiral
Printed in the same ink.
The words sublime, one of a kind
Like your thumbprints
Pressed onto my heart.
The first feelings in your tale
And the last in mine
Like a fascimile
Replicated to a fault
Foreshadowing the unknown
And my free will gets overthrown
In that sync.
The first flutter of your heart
And the last of mine
Tied into a ribbon
Twisted into a timelessness
Dwells like nothing
Feels like everything.
The first thirst of your soul
And the last of mine
Conjoined beneath
Dispersed in the delusion
Thrives through the tricks
And then, in that boundless
Seamless fusion - there's no telling
If it is your first, or my last!
Pic credit - Rahul Pandit for Pexels.
Monday, September 14, 2020
The honk cuts through the crisp fall breeze
Like it slices through my peace!
I become a part of the worldly dart
That can't wait for a blink
I weave into the traffic of thought
Of racing, fast pacing, daunting daily grind
I put the hush behind and rush before
I put the charge before and the calm behind!
I stream though challenge, swim through the routine tide
I falter and find my balance
I slip and slide but steady my stride
When I get home, I bring an abstract load
Plonk in the couch and hydrate my inside
Going about on another rush of life
Laundry, Dinner, dishes and homework
The viscious cycle unfolds
I feel like I am walking blindfold.
And then, when I need a tight hug
A peck on my hand, a pat on my back
You come in like decadence
Like a dark chocolate square
Filled with macadamia cream
You snuggle away the stress, you dawn in like a dream
My abstraction perfection, my one stop shop
My coping mechanism, My cashmere shawl
You sweeten my monotony
You warm my skin
With your presence, my biggest treat
With your caress my precious retreat!
Photo by Elle Hughes from Pexels
Tuesday, September 08, 2020
But ofcourse,
I am a Zilch
Yes, A Zilch - a Proper noun
Labeling the space that's I.
And when the naming happens,
The zlich lets out a playful chuckle
At the irony of the process.
What holds nothing?
May be I should rephrase this -
What nothing holds?
An abstract collage of moments
In the eternal now
Skimming through like a slide show
Filling the Zilch with fuzzy things
Like love and peace!
I am a zilch
Looking for words
To fill up worlds of illusions
Words knit in wool, words baked in kilns
To warm the skin and feed the gut.
A void I am, gaping at my being
Remembering Lennon of The Beatles
And quoting him when
"The hole of my life flashes before my eyes!"
I am a space - a vaccum perhaps
Looking to gather the cosmic scraps.
I am a verbal outlash
How funny, this I
Trying to capture the essence of Sky
In silence, in stillness and in space
While heaping up rubbles of references
And laughing at mind's maze!
Sunday, September 06, 2020
I live to tell another tale
Of the love of blossoms
Marigolds, Hybrid teas, Tulips and Dandelions.
I live to take another breath
Of rapture in the rising sun
Lost in the flood of His golden warmth
Flicking away the shadows of the night.
I live to smile another smile
At a toddler's energy, a teen's anarchy
And a planet taking refuge in fear
Masking its face in the faceless threat!
I live to shed another tear
Of emotions that hover over the empath's head
Sensing the pain in a distant strain
Of a song strumming on the ukulele
Strung with choice fibers of the heart!
I live to let the insides beat
In response to all things made of love
I live to make the soul dream
Of a release from this mind's stream..
I live to dance to the DJ's tunes
Tapping my feet, swaying my head
Grooving to the full throated croons
Of myhnas in the distant monsoons.
I live to watch ladybugs and dragon flies
Having field days in the backyard
I live to crush figs with my incisors
Devouring the bounty of the Being.
I live to grin ear to ear
At the Divine design, at the Aha Moments
I live to mess , I live to fuss
On this stage of make belive
Flowing with the illusion.
I live to learn, I live to know
To grasp what Is and the thoughts Let go..
I live to scribble another verse
I live to count the years in reverse!
How long did I live? I stand still and muse -
Let me count the ways to amuse
My inner child, the eternal being
Living yet another year, in absolute knowing
That she knows not beyond spreading her light!
Giving her love and basking in that delight.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
The new and improved Repertorie
Monday, August 10, 2020
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Friday, June 26, 2020
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Sunday, June 21, 2020
One day the Sun rises
Over the Greek Isles
A witness stands by watching
Gasping at the view
After thousands of miles of voyage
Foraying through where to catch this occurrence
Contemplating, planning and packing those bags
All for this sight, this sighting.
That day, when the Sun rises by those sapphire waters
Glazing bright icing on the salty sea
A soul ponders in thought, lost in awe
Wondering where else to catch Him rise
How else to experience this flutters, these feelings
Of the Sun that rises, somewhere by the ocean
Or those mighty mountains
May be over a monument, or lavender fields in Provence.
As those thoughts filter through the living light
A giving awareness dawns upon the being
The next stop, the watcher decides
Should be at home, those familiar lanes.
Those planes might not be doused with tulips
But this very Sun rises there, this very warmth hugs the skin.
So the bystander wanderer reaches home
The vagabond harnesses those dreams that waver
The nomad grasps those quests and leashes them in today
And watches those golden rays graze right before
The grass that cushions his daily path
His bespoke Sun rises right there, each day
All he has to do is not to stray.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
This n That
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So back to the pillow case spotting - seldom do I pick thing off the shelf and buy them as my shopping style isn't impulsive. The contemplation lets me choose wisely and pick things like James Bond that kind of become as permanent a fixture as they can become in this impermanent life. Now let's no digress into the impermanence thingie as well as that won't end well, or that won't end so to speak ;) So the pillow cases were white, the preferred shade of my bed linens and they have these cute cues - and they have flowers and they have the yin and yang in the safety and adventure they seem to suggest. When I picked them, I thought of James Bond and me - The yin and yang. I promptly peeled the cases off of their snug packaging and put them on the pillows, grabbed James Bond to pose for my blog and viola, I had a whole this and that forming in my head and heartscape.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
As I walk along the unknown lane
I come face to face with the faceless
The stuff that hits you hard
And sets in deep, despite the invisibility.
The stuff that you sense instead of see
The wounds that are made of phantom stones
That are hauled at your soul.
As I take things in my stride
I swallow the fears, examine the scrapes in new light
Hey, these are lessons! I revel in the perspective.
I walk along the street of experience;
A thing that is felt not spotted
Playing peekaboo, penetrating beyond the bones
Revealing the formless insights, whispering the wordless wisdom.
As I stroll along the roads of perceptions
They broaden like paths laid in magical tales
Making surface tension on water
Morph into a sheets of paved sidewalks
Enablers of these visions, set a runway
To take off with with the wings of discernment
Suddenly making air and water
Into palpable trails leading to the rational -
As funny as it sounds.
As silly as it rings, I walk this track
Where the lines of duality blur into a oneness
Where rights and wrongs fuse into fairness
Where pain and pleasure concoct into bliss
I know not what this course entails
Or where it leads or what it presents
I look around to see where I am
'Serendipity' the signpost reads.