Monday, April 08, 2019

Day 7 - G for Guts galore

I cannot believe a lot of things about myself. This isn't being said in an egotistic way - but in a  "I really cannot believe how audacious I am" way.

Above is the first draft strip I drew for today's entry. It is kind of daunting to do it just with my Calvin Hobbes volumes as instructions. I wish someone taught me the logistics of sketching and creating a comic strip. I am consciously trying not to look for any online sources to keep it raw and straight from the gut - like the rest of everything I do. 

I notice that I missed Bessie's hands and the drawings are not fine. I should work on the text part as well. And, to top it all, Matt and Bessie could change into something entirely different as the days pass. That being said, Matt has a chance of morphing into a T- rex. A 9 out of 10 chance.
In the meanwhile, I'll work on being more patient and taking my time sketching. With this first one, I was in a frenzy to complete and see if it is really possible to do what I intend to do - that is creating and sketching my own little characters playing to my own little tunes - though they might sound offtune and offbeat, more often than not.

What's life without a little gutsy side?

Here's to the seventh day - An attempt sprinkled with haste but topped with guts.
All hail Human hopefulness.

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