Friday, April 12, 2019

Day 11 - K - K for Knowledge and knowing

Day 11 didn't come easy. I mean, I was on the top of things till day 10, scheduling the posts ahead of time and sometimes waking up 3 am with ideas that dumped into the brain like they would through a leaking roof on a pouring day. I almost thought I found the fountain of inspirations and I'd never ever have to look far and wide for ideas to create.

And I couldn't have been more wrong. Last night, I had an intense urge to pry out my eyeballs - I mean, I don't mean to scare you, but that's how horrid the spring allergies had it on my eyes. The significant other forbade me from it saying "Ignore it and it'll go away. Think it isn't there!" Guess what? It worked and for the first time since the onset of my allergies in 2007, I had a 'no swelly, watery, blackey eye' situation thanks to my adhering to that idea of thinking it isn't there. I took it a step further and applied that thinking to the writer's block too...Guess what? It didn't work a second time. SO despite the sneeze fest I woke up to, I embarked on my hour long walk in the spring weather, daring the pollen, the sniffles, the tears - only with one hope. That I'd get a ponderable thought on the way. 

Well, I did find numerous other thoughts cross my mind, manifesting into knowing from knowledge. If you live in the area and spot a lady crouching on the side walk while looking like she is shooting nothing with her smart phone as you zoom past on the Boulevard - two things! First off, she isn't not shooting nothing. She is probably trying to focus on the emperor moth or the rolypoly with her camera set to portrait mode. Secondly, she doesn't need to be reported to the neighborhood watch. Armed she is only with the camera and sometimes she forgets her surroundings when she focuses on bugs! Please be informed! Now back to the point - so I did find a ponder under M, R and even Z but no K in sight!

It is dusk right now and a little voice in my head that heeds the 'manifest all you intend to do' sits at the desk and tries to think up something meaningful for K. I wanted to go full blown 'discourse' mode but decided on outsourcing the elbow grease to Matt and Bessie. I did end up sketching them in different scenarios having different conversations. The above one isn't up to the mark but for now it seems like an accomplishment. 

In my humble existence, I gathered some knowledge but not until later did some of it culminated into actual knowing. And when ever that happens, I feel utterly blessed to have learnt it the way it is to be learnt - sooner or later doesn't really matter - because knowing is also knowing that the universe provides us with the right insights in the hour of need. 

I'll snort some allergy relief spray for now and pray that I'd know all I need to know for the coming many days of this challenge and stay put on the road to finish, dodging the torpor that comes along with spring! From the absolutely bucolic but utterly brutal spring weather in the territory of Gold, I bid adieu for now :)

1 comment:

  1. I suffer from hay fever too. I find rubbing an ice cube beneath my eyes and over the lids soothes the itching and watering
