Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Semusing #12 - Force

There's this pesky voice
Inside my insides
Wrapped and vacuum sealed
So she doesn't mess the outsides.
I keep her under lock and key
So she won't rampage wild and free
But she manages to set herself loose
And stops me from putting my writing brains to use.
I say Shhh.. while joining my hands in plea
I need to keep up my commitments, but she won't seem to agree.
She pulls me down, makes me want to give up
She creates a little tempest in a tea cup.
You have a headache, you need to rest
Stop this silly, useless blog fest!
I give in ever so slightly, and get under her spell
And give a nod to what she has to tell.
But then again, I come to sense
And here I play my best defense
What if I don't have a musing to muse
I could put myself to good use.
So, muse I am, my own today
And from the semusing I wouldn't dare to stray...
It is a verse, devoid of sense
"But fake it till you make it" they say- this nonsense hence.


  1. I recognise that tempest in a teacup. So familiar to me too ;)

    1. I hope ypu weren’t tortoured through loops of captchas to do this. 😊🤗🙏🏽
