Tuesday, September 11, 2018

#11 - The current

It feels like fall
Crisp air, mosit on the skin
The foliage in full swing
Of show off!
Shades of crimson
Hues of Golden
Competing in vibrance
Cat calling the passers by
With their loud attires.

It feels like fall
An underscore of moderation,
A hiphen between the scorching summers
And wile winters
Green moss scaling the stoned stones
Papdi chip like leaves
Crunching under the sensory footsteps
Pumpkin spice, Pomegranates
Ready to burst on the taste buds.

It feels like fall
Trees ready to skinny dip
Shedding their garb, basking bare
Celebrating their nudity
Diving into the chilly onslaught
Awaiting for an entangle
Coaxing them into a recharge
To spring back in renewed vigor,
As the show must go on
After a resting hiatus.

It feels like fall
Up from the daily grind
Landing into the vibe of the shades
Into a paint splashed canvas
Of warm tones, dry textures.
It feels like fall
The one that makes hearts skip beats
And knees go weak.

It feels like fall.
A free fall,
Fracturing all joints
Dismantling them into a painless bliss
Soaring in the lap of love.

It feels like fall with an ing form in tow
Yes,It feels like falling
Into a present continuous tense
Of rapture.

Pictured - The Inspiration - Our friendly neighborhood Emerald glen in fall splendor. Courtesy - Chandra Elango

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