Thursday, May 21, 2020

Breaking Up

"Don't you think we know?"
She asked him
"When someone loves us and doesn't convey?"
He looked ahead and nodded in a agreement.
"Don't you think we also know
When someone doesn't and they don't convey?
Don't you think our actions betray us more than our words?"
He smiled and nodded this time.

"So there is someone, or something
That makes it clear to us.
Downloading bytes of knowing, of wisdom
Just for seeking, for peeking into the 
Obvious and the obviously concealed!"
"Yes" He added.

"What's this randomness about?"
He asked.
"Its about breaking up" 
She chuckled.
"Nice try" he played  along.
"You are mine"
"NO, You are mine" She challenged him.
"But I am breaking up with sorrow"
"With this constant yearning to know, to be, to live"
"These apprehensions, these yearnings to be loved, to be owned"
"That's a brilliant idea" He said
"I have my arms open, for you to run into and embrace"
"Look inside, I am there"
"Like a beam of light, tracing your soul"
"You are the being, I am the bliss"
"A match, fused and tied forever"
"Of course, you need to dump Sorrow, The delusional bad boy"
This is a door, a camouflage, a trick
That leads not to the outdoors.
Sure, do the honors,
Dump the dude unceremoniously
Kick his backside, 
Kiss him goodbye!
And take the stroll within to this divine union.
Be here, be now, be bliss, be me!
And Let's celebrate the homecoming
Never ever looking back to the outside
Let's close the door on sorrow,
He can exist or may be he doesn't need to exist
Unless we house him and douse him in attention
In reverence.
Let's be irreverent. Let's rebel
And bask for ever in this treasure inside.
You within me, and I within you
Life and Joy, Being and bliss!
All else, on them, the curtains down.
Let the new Magnum opus unveil"

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