Friday, April 05, 2019

Day 5 - E for 'Even if' instead of 'But If'

Day 5 - take thousand and five. I kind of stopped gasping at the passing of time lately. I remember 2009 like yesterday, wondering how quickly the decade went by and it is - well - 2019. So day 5 sounds like a smaller progression, but given all the things that demand my time lately, I am glad it is day 5 without even a remote idea of wanting to flake out. I'll pat my back, if I can do so myself. May be that's the best way of doing it, By ourselves. As I noticed, if we don't love ourselves, we somehow convey it loud and clear, like we have a tattoo on our heads screaming "I don't love myself, you don't need to love me either" - Unfortunately, it acts as an instruction for others sometimes. So love yourself people - pat your backs, apply emollient stuff on those cracked heels and wear a tiara, even if it slips on to your eyes - in which case, close your eyes and re-purpose it as an eye mask and take a power nap. But be humble - like it goes - "Be humble, or be humbled! ;-))"

Paragraph 2 and we are on the digress spree. So I was supposed to pack off Bessie and Matt for a few days, till I got back home from the break. The things I got to see today were nothing short of an immense blessing. It was numbing. In a very good way. Beach, Bridges and Mountains - all in one place, sapphire waters, aquamarine skies, emerald meadows, wildflowers in shades of citrine quartz - it looked like the planet had a party dress code to doll up in jewel tones. It is hard to get things done when one is in multitasking mode, But then there aren't a lot of things working in my blogging and sketching favor anyway, so why let this deter it? Right? There isn't enough talent going on here, or imagination, or even preparation anyway so the 'Even if' sentiment comes into play.

And as I googled to take cues from Watterson's work, many out of focus details forayed into focus. I think the referencing taught me a thing or two about sketching kid faces. Chubby, eyes close to give the 'cute as a kitten' look, foreheads taking up sizable real estate and just a little fleck of a line for the mouth. The hair becomes the signature of sorts - so, in the process of evolving Bessie, I am still clueless how her hair has to be worn. 

OSoon as I thought Matt is getting there, I realize he looks like Hobbes dressed in a Simba costume and ready to go trick or treating - all that is missing is a jack-o-lantern basket. And just as it couldn't get any more complex, the little brain kept egging a new idea - what if Matt is a dinosaur? I could make him a T-rex with some spikes on the back so we keep the 'Anne Giddes baby pictures' feel intact. And I have to confess, Barney always looked like a toad in an 'amp it up' mode to me, so we might be looking at a toad dressed for October 31st also, but limited resources peeps, limited resources! But as I blog and sketch, there is a fair chance that Matt could become a T-rex and thanks to little blessings that amid all this confusion, his moniker sticks. Nay, there isn't a second thought on it. Matt Damon has to be honored. Full stop. The oil pastels didn't let me go into finer details as they were too smudgy and rich but that shouldn't be the issue of the hour, at least not until I get the final drafts of all the characters ready - speaking of which, I remember, I didn't even the scratch the surface of the supporting cast.

I'll wrap it here, my little monologue. I cannot really begin to thank blogger for hosting this balderdash for so long. They say - dance like no one is watching! Guess what is more liberating?
Type like no one is reading. And it gets that much more easier when no one is reading, easy peasy lemon squeezy :) 

Now this isn't a dismissal for the ones who read, you know who you are, kind souls and you should remain the friends in need.

Signing off from the blessed Golden state - Long live 'Even ifs' - let them live long enough and abundantly enough that buts and ifs get a run for their money.

Like Jordan the great said - Just do it :-D

1 comment:

  1. teddy with a mane kinda looks cute for Matt. It's different
