Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A-Z April - Day 19 -Thank You Notes

When I vowed to be silent on my blogging space this year, I had this idea of writing what I called as LOGs - The idea isn't original. I met this person I really looked up to and he said he was in the process of writing thank you letters to all the people in his life that had touched him in big and small ways. This exchange of information happened just around the dawn of 2020 and viola, I had to kind of get inspired and borrow that idea. Now these weren't meant to be blogged about but to be delivered to the person in receipt of that gratitude and I thought I'd have the writing fix of the year and a very focused and purposeful one at that.

But things changed and here I am blogging away and somewhere down the cracks fell my idea of writing letters of gratitude. But as much as the idea escaped me, the essence of gratitude lingered around. Consciously or otherwise, the seed of that idea that germinated in my heart led to what I call as a ripple effect - of intense gratitude and immense joy as I combed through my everyday life to look for things and people to be thankful about. The littlest of things started generating that love and joy in me and I for once understood why all the wise and the lofty folks harp on the importance of being grateful. A grateful heart is a happy one, no? I want to claim myself to be an out and out happy person, a pathological optimist and this simple thought that someone else had, somehow changed the aura of my year in ways I cannot extract into words.

There's a lot of things that I plan to do and don't do. But there are things that are so powerful that just the thought transforms us into something bigger, something better and something meaningful.

To all the souls that made me who I am today, Mucho Gracias!

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