Monday, May 11, 2020

A love not(e)

As you tread on the vagaries 
Of these heart lanes
And stop to stare
At the juxtapose
Of the fallen and the rising
Freeze not, and freeze my senses!
Under you feet, the margin of that path
Aligning the ever evolving
Textures of these soul planes
Lie the pavers to my perception.
Beneath your glide, gleams my muse
Unearthing the inspirations, imaginations.
As you take the road, cruising through the unknown
Greeted by the imagined
Daunted by the unexpected
Walk assured
Of my ever abiding presence
Tucked away in the unconscious insides
Of your psyche!
Pause if you must, well up if you should
But keep going
Aided by the crutches of my invisible support.
Let me revel in that perseverance
And knit cozy poems
Proclaiming my enamor.

As it is abstract, this attendance, so it is absolute!

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