Monday, April 27, 2020

A-Z April - Day 23 Q for Queue got jumped!

As I count and tally 
On day 22
I let out a gasp
As there's something amiss!
Now what's a math atheist to do?
The one that doesn't look numbers in the eye.
Any count seems obsolete - dates, dollars or even birthdays.
But a challenge is a challenge is a challenge
Once you take the plunge, you settle the score!
So Calvin's bestie does the crunching of digits

"What you avoid, only confronts you
So don't run! Face it"

Random advice for the significant other
Rings in the ear
And one two three
The census begins and stops at Q
Oh wait a minute - someone jumped the line
In the mumbo jumbo of their busy brain!
So it's reconcile time
Letting things in the queue
Though the abruptness be forgiven
What's a pseudo poet to do
Without poetic liberty
And Justice.
Quiet late in the order
But quiet inside the border
Here's the entry, with a supplementary
The ceiling fan's floor perspective
Rendering the meaninglessness
To the verselessness.

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