Thursday, October 17, 2019


As the new school year commenced, ahem, a couple of months ago (*jaw drop optional* - it's been two months already? :-0 ) I had to look far and wide for a new preschool - the second born is all ready to extend her scope into some learning. While, we as parents, do not put too much pain into making sure the academics are Ivy league worthy, I did realize that by the age four, the first born was reading fluently while the second is still in the process of identifying her alphabet. Now, back in the day, my parenting was pretty hardcore - I didn't have a diversion from my full time parenting gig and all I seemed to have done was spend copious amounts of time with the first born, so by three and a half, I taught her every teachable thing that could be thought to a toddler, and then some.

Fast forward to the second in line, I seemed to have figured out the 'take it easy' route. While I still spend relatively large amounts of time with this one, I let her do her own thang - like leaving all the playdoh jars open to air dry the content to a useless crust, scribbling on furniture and walls with crayons and using washable finger paint to explore the Piccasso in the making. In short, I let her own spontaneity take the course and just watch her while she lives it up. It occurred to me that she'll start kinder the next year and we need to do some readiness and a curriculum based pre-k was the need of the hour so she learns some order and alphabet. The co-op prek the first one attended is shelved in this part of the town and I wasn't sure if I wanted to drive a 30 mt road trip to deposit her there, twice times two, if we count the drop and getting back - the reluctant driver that I am, I found a place closer - not as close I wanted it to be, mind you, but closer than the hour back and forthing I talked about.

When I first followed my GPS and drove to apply at the pre school, I was kind of miffed at the traffic signals and the time it took me to get there. I quickly finished the formalities and got home. Not until the second or third trip around was I able to spot the beauty of the route as I was previously engrossed in following the directions lest I lose way.

What started off as a chore has now become the most awaited routine of the day. I mute my radio, clutch to the steering and breath in the view after view I am greeted with, while I drive my precious cargo to destination learning. When I dip the steering right into the subdivision, I drive through a natural arbor of lush green trees, arching over from both sides of the road, creating a cool and comfort that makes me want to park the car smack dab in the center road and do an alfresco camping. No, I am not that cuckoo yet, not yet! trust me, to act on that whim, but one of these days, if I find the road deserted enough, I'll quickly click the image for sure, to reference here. 

I drive past the left that leads me to the school just so I can drive back down hill to get a sprawling view of the valley below, with homes and barren land, punctuated with a green carpet of a golf course. Sometimes I parallel park and freeze looking at that serendipity. Who would have thunk,  that apart from getting the kid to count and read, I get my daily dose of ponder worth marvelous - just driving a few miles that actually transforms me into a vacation of sorts, twice a day, all week.

When the heavens are extra generous, I even get to sneak a peek at the heavenly show off - like this gorgeous guy, playing around with the mackerel clouds, putting up a show that calls for a stand up ovation and a capture in the smart device. One really doesn't need filters when nature does it for ya....

Then I realize, for the zillionth time in this life time, that the world is full of beauty when the heart is full of love. All it takes is a perspective and a will to spot what's right there.

Bring on the chores I say - adjust the mirrors and the paradigm, they might end up looking like magic!

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