Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Ambience - Raindrops on the windowsill, breezy indigo night.
Mood - Lovey dovey parafait, post pigout ;)
(Life is beautiful!)
Looping - Arijit singh flexing his vocal cords on my favorite lines.

He asked me, what the butterflies do
After dancing around from bloom to bloom
Where do they lounge and rest?
Do they have a home, or may be a nest?

Do they have hearts thumping in rhythm
Heartbreaks that destroy them?
Do they weep do they laugh
Do they have an other half?

I look around, masking my surprise
What do they do really?
How do I answer these queries
That had never in my mind arose?

They dance like you, I told him
Oblivious to the world around
They sway and they swoon
Living in the present profound
And then they fly like your spirit unbound.

He holds my hand in his
leaning on my shoulder 
Where do their moms live?
Are they as warm as you?
I let out a laugh..
Of course, there's no creatures without moms
Just like you have me
Those butterflies have mothers
Waiting by the doors of their cocoons
For the apples of their eyes 
To return home.

He lets out a smile.
His cherub cheeks blushing bright
Now tell me about those ladybugs..
Do they get love and hugs?

I go silent!
I scoop him in my arms and go-
"My little lady bug
Here's your love, here's your hug!"

But silly lady- I am neither a lady nor a bug
You are silly, really silly, Ugh!!!

"Guess what? You're a whole lot
More than ladies and bugs
More than love and hugs
More than all that, little prince of my heart!
So, let me give homes to butterflies,
Hugs to lady bugs - 
Just command me, and consider it done,
That's what love can do, it can get a new world begun.

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