Tuesday, February 06, 2018


They were meant to be, that bound souls were supposed to meet, to fill in some craters, some petty dents sustained while lost in the woods of life. Those kindred spirits were to dwell here upon the weirdness of existence. They were supposed to catch up or complain - to bare it all without filters, so the other could collect their gripes and somehow stretch them around and soothe them into acceptance. They were to look through the view, contemplating upon their challenges, to seek counsel and provide solace. They were to laugh till they cry and then cry some cause they have to do that too, to somehow flush out the frozen heartaches. They were supposed to thrive in each other's company, lending a shoulder to lean upon, or the much needed ear - cause what are intense emotions worth unless they are shared with someone? That laughter, those tears, those hopes and fears - they all need an audience or a witness to coax those feelings into everlasting smiles or bearable burdens.

It was meant to be. But it might not be....cause sometimes they are too busy. Sometimes one of them might exit unannounced. Sometimes they might consider it a bit too much or plan it to an exhaustion that plonks at execution. Cause sometimes, they might lose their plot or just be so caught in their conceptions or lack there of that they might never cross the road or even meet the other mid way, or worse yet, they might nurse a miscommunication tad much and smother their empathy to non existence.

Here's the silence, clad in emptiness,  mourning all those unrealized 'Meant to Bes.'

Picture courtesy - Dhiren Shah. Wildernest, Chorla.

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