Wednesday, January 15, 2014


These knots,
Knit with love,
With pride and joy,
Chosen yarns of
Lasting thoughts,
Making nips
On heart and soul.
These knots,
Increase in strength and form
These knots refuse
To follow the norm -
They make up for a cozy cloak,
Fuzzy calm, they wrap, evoke..
These knots crocheted
Around the soul -
Adorn  the insides
Bright and whole.
These knots of symbols.
Letters and words
These knots that mean
Beyond the Worlds..
They do not bend,
To follow trend,
To be graded,
Or to offend.
These knots that make my wee cocoon
These blessings, these verses,
These knots, my boon!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for enjoying it Cindy :-) XXX

  2. Wow, knots of thoughts ? In a good way though. Not the 'aalochanala chikku mudulu

    1. They are knots of letters and words, they are like a cozy cloak...I wanted to reflect upon what this blog does to me and what it means for me to knit knots of words: )
