Sunday, March 10, 2013

The not so "mental" note.

Weird thing it is, inspiration, hitting you at the most godforsaken times - when in queue to clear customs at the final destination of your journey, when on the car crossing the sea of traffic, punctuating endlessly at every signal post and when the sleep butterfly finally settles down on the tired eyelids, after what seems to be an eternity of waiting. Then it hits you, like a ship wreck, or may me  an earthquake - and this whole creation accelerates the brain cells - but only if the mind had a savable memory - put in your imaginary floppy disk - (oops, that is the techno moron speaking) or may be the more current USB drive and save it all to be retrieved later - only if that could be the case :-) So the lesser photographically endowed memories grapple hard upon the opportune moment, trying to place the hazy image with the actual inspiration and its intensity. So, no amount of mental noting actually works, unless you have something handy and practical to record all the thoughts that travel the busy crossroads of your mind. The mental notes, become questionable of their sanity, punning them to a point of no return and the blog waits a few eons, to feel the punch of the keys, and print of the ideas. And the only way to keep from waiting for so long - is to make the not so mental notes, such as this one.

Here's the sprout of a new hope, that the notes occur in abundance, to grab, grasp and grind all inspirations to black and white in an attempt to support the self proclamation of being a writer.

It feels good to be back, feeling the rhythmic sound of the key board, ever so slightly pausing and going on, taking along with it, the weird thing. Inspiration, that is! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Lady! The void for the past few months in the literary circles is about to be filled now.
