Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 18 - R for Rhythm, R for Rhyme!

Rhythm and rhyme!
Rummaging through the thoughts,
Running in the mind!
Rhythm and rhyme,
Like a ray of light,
Illuminating restless visions!
Like a river running through the woods,
Creating ripples of inspirations,
Rediscovering the many hues
Of creating and recreating!
Rhythm and rhyme,
Resting in one another's arms,
Recording recurring hopes.
Refining ideas.
Refreshing, reforming, rejuvenating,
The many feigned verses,
And rhapsodies of love.
Rhythm and rhyme -
Real bliss to the mind's eye,
Remarkably relaxing the soul
Repairing the many bludgeoning,
Of Ruthless life.