Monday, June 02, 2008

In Search Of

There are many definitions for life based on the situation and the person defining it. For me, for the moment, it defines itself as a search. And it is something that comes to us as 'just borns'. Look at the baby that barely opens its eyes - It is in search of a breast with closed eyes! Then the toddler that looks for candy kept out of his reach. Then comes search of toys and playmates and laurels and soul mates. Life is a vicious circle of searches, one bigger, one smaller but all of them, equally engrossing. Sometimes it is a search for lost things like love, sometimes it is for people, for money, for peace or even salvation!
At a higher level, the simple search dons the mask of a quest. A shopaholic is in a quest for deals, a saint is in a quest for nirvana and a writer is in a quest for an inspiration!
The search goes on, only to end in disappointments now and success now!
The most pleasurable of searches are definitely the ones that are not done with a motive, with a selfishness or an attempt to attain something!
The biggest of searches is the search to find oneself.
The toughest is the one to find a purpose of one's existence.
The sweetest is the search of simple joys, like the smell of wet earth, or the perfect wildflower in the path you take your evening stroll!

The simplest one and of course the most involving of searches definitely seems to be the search for bright hued ladybugs on the lush green spades of grass! Voila and the search for the perfect image ends there, capturing the half squatted derriere of a two year old, the spikes of green from the just sprung Gladioli add the accent to make a moment a Nikon moment!

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