Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A new beginning.

A new year that is. Is it not amazing how far we got into the decade? Wasn't it yesterday that there was this hoopla about Y2K and all those super-paranoid friends of mine stocked up their cupboards with supplies like there was going to be an earth quake?
It was definitely yesterday that I became a mother and Aarti is already snapping back that it is "nauth funnie" when I laugh at her attempts to climb out of her crib. Yeah, she is in a toddler bed now, safe from those scary attempts to attain freedom.
It seems like yesterday that Bush Jr became the unexpected president and he is already at the end of his second term, almost! Now I am here wondering if I am a sexist or a racist in a confusion about Obama and Hillary.
It was yesterday that my little nephew Atul was born. He is eight today and attends a drug awareness class now and insists on not taking the cough medicine that has a minuscule alcohol content.
Assure me that it was just yesterday that I was this clueless young woman. Now I am into the third decade of my life with a eight year old marriage and two year old daughter.
Many more countless events happened just yesterday but we are half way through the first month of the year 2008 - which drives home a fact. Time passes by like whirlwind, taking away with it a lot of things. We all should live each day to its fullest, stop to appreciate our loved ones, tell our spouses and children that we adore them immensely, call our friends at least once in a while, have a connection with our heavenly Father (or Mother if you believe it is a 'she'), share our fortunes and blessing with the ones that are less fortunate and smile always.
Happy New Year. Enjoy each day, relish each moment because 2028 will be here tomorrow and 2008 will be a yesterday in the blink of an eye.

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