Friday, September 01, 2023

And it Begins.

I walk to drop the kid to school today. I do it every day, or I am supposed to do. I took a break past couple of days due to some acute pain in the back. 

Today, I didn't want to make it a crunch for the rest of the family. I didn't want to piggyback on the neighbors for the drop/ pick duties.

I didn't want to drop either. I wish the pain understands timing and it doesn't encroach the daily grind. It doesn't. It cares less. So it was my turn to rise to the occasion and understand the timing and not let pain do any encroachments, though truth be told, I loved the pause I took, which wouldn't have happened if not for the pain.

I step out and it felt like Mother Nature was all set to reward me for my will to step out. The whole place felt like there was an outdoor air conditioner  running to keep the breeze cool and not cold. And there was an ambient lighting set up to make the visual look bright but not hot. I remember it is September and wonder if the naming concepts are understood by Nature or if Nature is understood by the naming concepts us humans adapted- cause, it was only a couple of days ago that the sun burned my skin ruthlessly while piercing, poking and itching the exposed skin on my legs while I walked to pick up the kid. 

Come September and the whole vibe changes - looks like Summer is backing off, taking a bow and saying "Until next year" and fall is ready to fall onto me like a blessing waiting to happen. 

I mean, September is a special month - and at the risk of sounding utterly narcissistic, I have to admit, the speciality of the month has nothing to do with the fact that it happens to be my birthday month. September is stand alone cool - and my birth occurring in this month has nothing to do with the standalone coolness. But instead of going around in circles and bothering my non existent readership (hello - readership! That gave up on me like I gave up on this blog - I totally get y'all. Don't feel bad that you abandoned me) I should admit that I took a vow to resurrect  my writing escapades no matter how much I seem to write out of the blog, by the virtue of writing for a living.

There's a beauty in things that we do without a binding and a co-dependent equation. And the whole essence of the beauty lies in the fact that we do such things due to one driving factor - love. Unconditional love. 

And I for one thing, am an unconditional lover. No, I don't need any validations and testimonials on that belief cause I know and I don't need another pair of eyes to examine it or another heart to acknowledge it. When we are silent, and we care to honestly look at ourselves, we hit ground breaking, life changing revelations.

Oh, and the weather I tell you - is stellar. If I had been any younger, or any agiler, I would have broken into a song dance sequence right there, smack dab in the center of the side walk but I swear, I held my rapture intact till I came home to dance instead, in words and expressions - right here on Doodling words. Art is a kind of dance if we come to think about it, Thought too. Life too. Vows too...

And on that note, I vow to dance, step in step of this madness called life. With love in tow - everything is a happy dance.

Photo by Tobi from Pexels

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