Monday, April 05, 2021

Day 5 - A-Z challenge - D for D(r)ead line

Springtime comes with the subtle and the not-so-subtle announcements, inside and out. For instance, My overactive immune system engages in a over production of histamine. That is neither a good kind of overactivity, nor is a good kind of over prodution if you know what I mean. Today had been one such day, of over production and I had to take aid of an antihistamine to function without looking like I am being pulled on strings by a puppeteer. As evening approached, I had a mild panic attack - the blog entry needed to be taken care of. It's A-Z month, how can I sign up and take it easy?
I cannot. 

Can I?

So deadlines are things that inspire dread in me. Though they don't involve carriages that turn into pumpkins or horses that transform into mice. The ones that I bring onto myself, like this challange that compells me to bust the duality of taking it easy and triumph over the lethargy to keep at the creative catharsis, if I could call it so myself, are the ones I take all the more seriously. So it kind of makes me smile smugly for realizing that what I lack in the ambition department, I make up with my passion.

And I realize, that some deadlines don't even come with a announcement. We don't even know if there's a dawn awaiting us at the other side of the night. The precarious life that unfolds before us, the precious life that we oh so frequently disregard,  might have a deadline sooner that we know or wish for it to be. I know, this is getting a wee bit gloomy, a tad bit depressing, but the point is, it is a good thing to know about the deadlines before hand, as we put in that extra pizzaz into an otherwise taken for granted life, wherein we assume we are here to stay, forever more.

At that thought, I smile. I know predictions aren't going to serve us right or well, but being here and now, doing what's needed to be done, is an exercise that should make us put the much needed life into living. 

There's this Ballroom, and a  Prince reluctant to let go of you, Glass slippers that won't fit another foot, and a Fairy Godmother rigging things in your favor. She'll take care of it all. But you have to take care of the deadline she had imposed upon you. Only then the fairytale would unfold. 

Just believe in Magic, and you shall find it.

But make sure you run for dear life to make it to the carriage before all you can make would be a pumpkin pie.


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