Monday, April 19, 2021

A-Z April - P for Percept

Once upon a moment
A tiny droplet
Slithered down 
Through slopes of the being.
It glistened like a pearl
Shone like a crystal
Plain - it was
An amalgam of sorts.
A transperant bead
Blending pleasure and pain
Perspective and perception.
It gathered in its light form
The luminence of experience
The lucidity of awareness.
Playing a dual role
With professional precision.

Once upon an instant
A small droplet
Packed mighty prowess
It glided down by the high cheek bone
Or perhaps by the blade of grass
Did it drop from the eyes or descend from the heavens?
Did it pierce through the crevices of the heart?
Or gathered from the cool mist of dawn?
Did it cleanse a grief
Or quench a thirst?
Perhaps it drenched the parched earth 
To feed the foliage
Or soaked the soul
Flushing the ache.

Once upon an inspiration
A little droplet
Dribbled through a thought
Dabbled with an outlook
Bringing forth a flood of fervor
Taking the shape it is contained by
Morphing into a muse.

Photo by Pixabay - Pexels


  1. Very nice words and structure.

  2. Thank you for Stopping by Beth <3
