Wednesday, May 06, 2020

This, That and Whatnot

As I sit here in my living room couch and feel this strange sense of leisure, I think of all the people around me that are such go-getters. The spouse for instance - this man wastes no time in thought to execution to a point where his spontaneity and urge to extract every intention into action puts the 'let's take life easy' other half through mild anxiety. While hydrating myself in this weird spring weather that is kind of putting up a competition with the weirdness this specimen that is typing out this baloney has, I sit and wonder where my 'take it easy' attitude has emerged out of. Is it an innate factory defect or is it something that I had acquired over the past few years? 

There were times, as hard as it is for me to believe at the juncture I am at right now, where yours truly was the poster child of 'do it and now' but somehow down the line of growing up and growing old and raising rugrats and playing Martha Stewart, the spontaneous 'little miss do it and now' became the boring big missus 'ah, we'll do it tomorrow' :-D and The boring big missus wants to do something about it and do in all earnestness.

The other day, while I was killing time on my one and only social media presence, in my  feed popped up the screenshot I shared above. Now Shri Amitabh Bachchan needs no introduction in the subcontinent - He is the superstar that had stayed relevant from his prime somewhere in the seventies through 2020. Bravo Mr.Timeless, take a bow! With the attention span the current world has, it is indeed a feat that you stay glued and put in the hearts and minds of the ever evolving and distracted Indian junta. The current generation might not know about the pedigree of Big B - His dad Shri Harivanshrai Bachchan was a prolific poet of his times. I started noticing Amitji after I read some of his father's works and a decade ago, I chanced upon Big B's blog - there were a few times he responded to my comments directly. On one instance, I asked him if he writes the blogs himself or has them ghost written!  - (Pat came the reply "I write them myself Laxmi, and it is such a pleasure.") So I'll put my trust issues aside for argument's sake and get to the point and believe my fatherly figure and his commitment to blog by himself without delegating it to a staff member . 

So this superstar of India had been blogging for fourteen years now! That's not the wow for me. The 'wow' is the over 4000 posts he had written to date. Apparently 'Mr.Indian Demi God of the Indian silver screen' never, ever took a break from his blog. Nope - not even a single day went without him writing! 

Now what's a humble homemaker with < 1% of the business of Amitji to do now, with this tidbit of information? Feel small? Feel stupid? Feel like an utter waste of oxygen? Feel inspired? Feel the pinch of taking things too easy? Feel all of the above and a truck load more?
Yes on all counts. Actually, a resonating, confident yes on all counts! So, the virtual cosmos whipped my lazy backside into check (for how long, I know not) and here I am, forcing myself to write and not give the pretext of a dinner prep or a full kitchen sink to skip doing what I should be doing. 

In the other news, I read that Irfan Khan, one of India's finest actors who passed recently and too soon said something on the lines of God patting you on the back and asking you to get down at the next stop while you are busy having a jolly good time on this ride called life! That's probably a supplementary inspiration to the Grand and wise senior Mr.Bachchan. And the universe, the sweet, felicitating force that it is, shall always give us cues to take ourselves a step ahead. Only when we keep our senses open and receptive. I am sure there isn't any dysfunction in that department.  And wherever else the repair work is to be done, I'll get to it in my overalls and the tool kit, tinkering away and looking for that reprimanding hint wherever the need pops up.

For now, It's a post alright! I better take a print out of the screen shot and stick it on my fridge door, cause that's the only spot I am not really doing my social distancing with, and it might come handy to deliver the relearning whenever the mojo derails.


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