Thursday, April 30, 2020

A-Z April - Day 26 - Z for Ze Obvious :)

Hey Stripey, stupendous little feller
Do you ever marvel at your garb
Like Moi does?
Tracing every black stripe
Tickled silly in awe
At the symmetry
Stark complementary coloring
That inspires fashion ramp walks
Crazy clickers
Pseudo Poets
Stung on life nature lovers
Looking to capture your perfection
To be displayed under the title
Hey magnificent beast
What takes to make you?
What strokes, what skill, what palette it takes
 To bake you
In that mixed media
Releasing the prototype of nature's magnum opus
Into the wheat fields of wonder!

Hey Missus, Or Mister!
That is a pretty benevolent look you cast
In my direction.
The visual froze the senses, charmed the consciousness
Knitting wordage in homage!
Hey you Art, posing as an animal
I wish you could see you
Like I do!

Photo by Jeff Griffith on Unsplash
Mara Triangle - Maasai Mara National Reserve - Kenya.


  1. So upbeat! I love it.

    Congratulations on reaching z.

    I hope you and yours are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.

    J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author

  2. Really lovely. Congratulations on completing your A to Z!
