Monday, March 18, 2019

The Paradox

You are there, but not there
Sitting beside, sharing the roof
Looking through the window
Your beautiful eyes amble around unseen visuals
Lost in thought.
You are there but not there
Like a mirage, the horizon, the sky
Alluring but absent, your presence - a real delusion.
You are there, but not there
Walking parallel, side by side
So close, yet so far
Like a dream on the shore of existence.
So really surreal your force
You are there but not there
Like magic, like myth, like a pretty trick.

And then

You are not there, but there
Like a feeling, an emotion, a whisper of the wind
Your strong hands, in a reassuring clasp
Your embrace, like mother's love.
You are not there, but there
Like a promise, a pledge, an assurance
Your unseen form feeding palpable realities
Your essence caressing the soul.
You are not there but there, on every trail, step in step,
You are not there but there
Like the Almighty,
Like the seed under cover
Promising green, life giving prosperity.
You are not there, but there
Like love, peace and bliss
Untouchable, but felt deep within
like the realest of realities that dwell in the being.
You are not there but there
Never gone, never lost
Like a fragrance in the flower
Like the spirit in the body
You are not there but there
Like the only truth
Ever felt, ever lived, ever loved.

Between your being and your not being, the Irony unfolds.

Pictured - the backroads of my home town, shot at night, through the windshield.