Sometimes it doesn't happen. No matter what! The inspiration to write is like an urge to eat probably. Just yesterday I had this urge to eat a sandwich that is supposed to have an Indian flair to it. What did I do? Hunted the place down that was relocated to downtown Pleasanton and satisfied my craving. I wish writing a blog, or writing anything for that matter, was that simple. Or is wanting to eat something very simple? No I might say. I can have a gallon of luscious sweet cream and cake batter flavored ice cream form Coldstone right there in the freezer but it might not tempt me one little bit. Sometimes I just go to coldstone at close to midnight hoping for a miraculous extended summer hour and come back cussing (moderately:-)) everyone and everything responsible for the closed doors excepting yours truly and her unusual cravings for unusual things at unusual times.
Back to where I started and what I wanted to say, blogging is a bit like eating. You eat and enjoy or you eat just to exist. This is eating to exist. That's all ! I guess!
Sometimes a housewife is treated as a person who does not have any work or any existence but then she exists n you it when you read butiful blogs n she is filled with energy more than any working women