Sunday, September 09, 2018

Semusing # 8 - Hack

When life throws a lemon at you,
Or a remodel that upturns your space
The lesser mortals become headless chickens
Lend disturbances from the external cues
They cuss and complain
And highlight their dust mite allergies
Or take the chance to be a drag
Brooding, upset, cranky like three year olds.
Don't let them give three year olds a bad name.
Wear a shiny dress, swirl around
Climb into a cabinet and flirt with the lens
Throw back a lego block at life 
And tell it you have it under control, and not the other way around.
 Look disorder in the eye and make a funny face.
I've got this in my stride,
Now pick up your sad self
Turn it upside down and smile - 
Don't give three year olds a bad name
Their happiness isn't strewn around
Lost in dismantled cupboards and kitchen sinks
It basks from the inside
Shining bright! Living right!
Teach them losers a lesson or two
About making the best of things
And smiling away like a lightning,
 looking through the rumble.

Inspired by my three year old's spirit that shines though the havoc of a home remodel.

1 comment:

  1. She's the cutest and her Mamma's a wizard with words :)
