Monday, April 20, 2020

A - Z April- Day 17 - R for Rapture lies in what you (choose to) notice.

One day, I woke up to an imagination. I know, we usually wake up to reality, but this time around, may be the universe was in a mood to love me a little more than a normal day. I would say it was sprinkling love on me because the lane I walked in was filled with all things love joy and peace are made of - I was walking on a road that had creation everywhere - God made and man made that is made in the love of His skill, like the proverbial flattery, in humble imitation. I walked past in stillness, there were no personal commentaries going on in my head, like they are going on right now, after I woke up from that visual. I was just in there - sinking in the detail of everything around me, without naming them or naming my own reaction to them. The road was opening its arms to me. I saw birds flying and tweeting love messages in the air, I heard the gurgle of the river, saw the glide of the clouds, I felt the moisture of morning dew on my skin, I devoured the pinkness of the roses strewn on the path. The fragrance of the place was something else. It was soul feeding, it was transformation in motion. The moment was eternal, the joy was without an abyss. There was no fear of the unknown, no plans for the end of the road, no sorting of the thoughts, heck, there were no thoughts.

As I walked by, I noticed big things, small things. A young woman's smile, a young man's heart beating in response. I walked through the unfolding of an epic, like it was an ordinary occurrence. May be it was an ordinary occurrence but it felt like an Epic. I saw people revel in a celebration, cry in a mourning. It made no difference to me. I just saw it as it was. But the peace inside stayed untouched, unscratched. There was a reassurance that felt like a mother's embrace. A hand wrapped on the shoulder that was best described as a father's assurance. An invisible presence walked next to me - much like a friend in need. The space between me and everything and everyone was filled with magic, with connection, with eternal love.

One day I woke up to an imagination, an imagination called life, I had this Emcee by my side, screaming her voice hoarse, guiding me through the unfolding. She had a great perspective she was wise by and large. She had emotions busting at her seams, she was a little mad and a little delusional, lost in that translation of the life around her, doing the rounds in her mind. Somewhere in that delusion, she lost her way on the road. She roamed around aimlessly knocking random doors to see if that was where she belonged, she cried her heart out, drilled huge voids into her being, all for the heck of it. I couldn't watch her anymore, I had to intervene. I made her sit back and relax, I coaxed her to take a deep breath, I convinced her to close her eyes and look behind the darkness. I inspired her to shut it up. She didn't give in readily. I didn't give in either. May be we both won at the end. She is enjoying the visual without the mental exertion and I am watching her like a proud parent. And then I gave her a tight hug and said, we don't know why life leads us to where it leads us, we don't know what roles we have to play in each other's lives. Trust the process, go with the flow. She listened. And there was peace.

And then one day, I just woke up. There was nothing. And it felt like home!

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