Monday, February 01, 2021



“Here’s a challenge” She said
“Don’t let go of the hand
Do all you want, swirl, take the tram, compose a song
Water the plants, sip the espresso, brush that hair!
Do it all, with these fingers entwined 
With a grasp we both share.”

“You call that a challenge?”
He scoffed in mock shock!
“That’s an atrocity, a tyranny to say the most 
And stupidity to say the least.
“It takes a stupid to know another” she quipped
Tightening the grip on his palm.
“And a tyrant to tone another”

“On second thoughts let’s shelve this holding
And the day unfolding
How about we stay in the present, meditate, cogitate, culminate ?”
“Do you ever state anything straight and
“Oh what’s in it that’s obscure? Are’nt we kindred spirits? 
Isn’t that what you said when you knelt down to propose?”
“Ahh, the spiritual alternates this cryptic ritual
Of me doing and your dictating!
What’s a poor spouse to do? To grouse and pout over the spiritual bout?”
“It takes one spiritual being to fathom another
Put those sensors up, decipher the soul
In the spirit let’s grab these hands and maneuver through slinky life demands!”
“Would you ever say anything straight and clear my dearest of dears?’ That’s what the heart fondly hears!”
“Ok then, thank your lucky stars, for the twinkle around the hands that wreath, and get an earful of this 
I love your from my heart’s abyss”

Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya from Pexels