Monday, January 13, 2014


Pokerfaced, looking through
The tainted window -
With random stains,
Concoction of water and earth,
Predominantly creating splatters
Of permanent ambiguity.

He looks around, just sliding his eyes
Back and forth, as the scenery changes outside.
Train lugs along lazily,
Like an aimless toddler's lumber.
Ever so slightly picking up momentum.
Paved landing stretches on the banks..
And for a splash of a second,
His sliding eyes freeze
Straight into the saucer like vastness
Of her deep black irises.
He pulls out the bottle green aviators
As the heart skips a beat.
But the tinted glass
With all the smudges, persists.

In that very blink - the cumbersome serpent
Slithers away in speed -
His cranked neck, helping him catch
Glimpses of the dirty veil
Covering her matted head.
The bundled twigs, burdening
Her cringed forehead.

She disappears into the scene left behind
Like a fleck of dust,
Floating away -
Taking with it,
The world's smallest,
Most unconventional
Love story!

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